Oh tannenbaum.

Dec 05, 2010 18:05

It's definitely December. There's real snow outside and paper snowflakes inside, Christmas carols are drifting through the halls, and someone is always in the kitchen making hot chocolate. Last night the entire dorm did a polar bear run and I somehow found myself wearing nothing but a bra, boxers and motorcycle boots and sprinting across the icy drillfield with about fifty other people in similar states of undress. (+10 Life Experience points, -100 Common Sense points. It was all good though.) The roommate and I just made a construction paper Christmas tree to put on our door and outfitted it with ornaments made of cut-out pictures from Popular Science, Hershey's Kiss wrappers, and packets of tea. I feel this is an accurate description of our lives, haha.

This is also currently printed out and posted by our door. If you don't read Lackadaisy, you should -- excellent art and cool characters and history lessons all wrapped up in feline shape!


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