(no subject)

Nov 12, 2010 00:20

At Short Story Society (a bi-monthly gathering of nerds who sit around to discuss literary stuff, drink tea, and then just devolve into random hilarity by the end of the meeting) we have decided to have Bad Fanfiction Night in two weeks. This. Will. Be. Epic.

Of course the classic "My Immortal" will be discussed, but I am in need of some other literary trainwrecks to haul in. Any recommendations of exemplary badfic would be greatly appreciated!

This, of course, led to me to start scouring fanfiction.net for particularly awful HINABN-fic once I got back to the dorm, as most of the people in the reading group are familiar with that fandom. During this process several of my friends walked in, glanced over my shoulder and immediately launched into a discussion on ship wars and attempted to analyze the relative merits of slashfic. (Note: out of the five people involved in this conversation, two were male, and I didn't know anybody in the dorm actively read fanfiction aside from me and the roommate up to this point.)

Have I mentioned that I love it here? 'Cuz I do.

hinabn, fan-geek things, pure awesome

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