Meme and general crap

Jul 21, 2010 22:30

I've been running a very odd low-grade fever for the past three or four days. I'm fine in the mornings, but around 4:00 I start to get chills and then two hours later get boiling hot and stay that way for the rest of the night. I feel like I'm lying under a heat lamp right now. It's not too bad, just annoying, and I wish it'd go away. I've been losing sleep over RL drama and I suspect that I've been internalizing the stress to the point that I'm recovering at a much slower rate.

(A general note: it's not very good form for one to text one's best friend with very bad news and then go somewhere without cell phone reception for a week immediately afterwards. Many things that could be fixed by just talking have to be put on hold and it's killing me. Fffffffff, I have no idea how to deal with friendship drama.)

On a more cheerful note, have a meme I stole from the ever-fabulous flotsamjunk . It is the infamous 30-day Lost one, and because I suck at finishing 30-day memes, I'mma post my answers three at a time and hopefully finish in a timely fashion. Here we go.

1. Favorite quote: Too many to choose from, so let's go with this:

“Ok. We did crash. We were on this crazy island and we waited for rescue but there wasn’t any rescue and then there was this smoke monster and there were other people on the island, we call them ‘The Others’, and they started attacking us, and we found some hatches and there was a button we had to push every 108 minutes or… well I was never really clear on that, but ‘The Others’ didn’t have anything to do with the hatches, that was the Dharma Initiative, they were all dead, ‘The Others’ killed them and now and now they’re trying to kill us, and then we teamed up with ‘The Others’ because some worse people were coming on a freighter, Desmond’s girlfriend’s father sent them to kill us, so we stole their helicopter and we flew it to their freighter, but it blew up and we couldn’t go back to the island because it disappeared so then we crashed in the ocean and we floated there for a while till a boat came and picked us up and by then there were six of us. That part was true.” -- Hurley

...I feel that sums things up nicely.

2. Favorite episode: The Shape Of Things To Come. Exciting, tragic, and truly epic in every sense of the term. Also it contained this:

ILY Bendiana Jones. Also I totally have that scarf.

3. Favorite female character: Oh goodness.

Juliet Burke, because she is complex, wickedly smart, lovely and badass. She will outwit you while kicking your ass and look gorgeous while doing it. I also have a deep and undying love for Danielle and Alex Rousseau (jungle chicks ftw) and Eloise Hawking, who gets a lot of hate but is tough as nails and brilliant. Apparently I like ladies who all qualify for HBIC status.

life, 30 day meme, lost, teh dramah, kallie

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