Various brief thoughts:

Mar 30, 2010 22:21

Oh, look, an episode in which people actually do things! What a novel concept. *pleased*

All through this episode, my mother kept wandering into the living room and was apparently checking out the menfolks. Re: Daniel Dae Kim: "Wow, he's buff." Re: Terry O'Quinn: "Wow, he's got great eyes." Re: Nestor: "He's that pretty one you like, right? His eyelashes are awesome."

Me: "Why don't you watch this show with me then? They're around all the time!"

Martin Keamy is a cockroach, I swear. Die, mofo. Die.

Ben was the sweetest, really.

Fun with Broca's aphasia! Oh, psych class, you've taught me well.

Sayid reminded me of an Iraqi otter or something at the end there. I now have a mental vision of him cruising along through the water like the alarm-clock crocodile in Peter Pan, and it disturbs me faintly.

Totally called that it was gonna be Desmond, too.

Yeah. Now I'm gonna go watch V (and by that I mean watch my girlcrushes Liz and Morena and kind of ignore the not-so-hot plot) and actually get back to work.

reaction post, lost

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