Jun 04, 2007 21:17
I’m writing this because I haven’t had any dinner except for the beer I’ve been sipping on for a few hours. There was only a small change until I opened the big one… It’s the big hop… big alcohol… big glass. I just spent some time with the neighbors, it’s the most time we’ve spent together… and maybe the only time we’ve been buzzed in each other’s presence before. All I could think about was how much I wanted to fuck her and how much I didn’t want to hurt him by fucking her. They’ve both got beautiful faces, beautiful smiles, beautiful souls…. They’re in good repair.
There once was a girl that lived in my apartment, there once was a boy that lived in my apartment, there once was a man that lived in my apartment… my apartment is reason enough for sleeping around with as many people as you can. Sadness isn’t worrying if your best girl is sleeping on the cock of your best boy… Sadness is deciding that hurting other people is fun and desirable… the problem is that it is desirable… to all of us. We can successfully remain separate from that desire for a long time… but what does it take? Exercise. Mental, physical, emotional… it takes risk… you have to step out with your love and risk life and limb… risk being uncomfortable… risk hating each other… But you can never risk resenting each other. If you let resentment slip in. If you let contempt slip in. You have lost your trust in each other. You must believe that you love each other… believe that you want each other… and risk it all, all of the time.
Politics is like trying to fuck a cat in the ass. There are no parties that will work. There must be a third party. A Third Party. The Third Party. Organized by the people and for the people. The graffiti on the bathroom walls and the shit stains on everyone’s underwear… is it just destruction? Is it just deplorable. Or is it art. Art with a lower case a. art. We should all experience it. We all experience it. We never know. Charles Bukowski knows. Bukowski is.
Believe me or not… Love never happens. We all strive after it… We all work towards it…. We all think we’ve found it… But it’s a fantasy. What we experience is safety. What we experience is Sex. What we experience is warmth. What we experience is blindness. Love is what happens when we all leave our bodies. Love is death. Love is afterlife. Love is unreachable. But it is worth paddling toward.
To understand completely:
You must listen to -
Messiah Complex Blues By Clem Snide