I know a lot of you want to help out or volunteer and stuff, so I thought it would be interesting to give you guys a list of sites that you can take a look in to if you want to help out.
The first (and personally my favourite) is
http://www.volunteermatch.org. Why is it my favourite, you might be asking? Well firstly, it’s really easy to navigate through it and secondly if you don’t have time or money to actually go into various countries and train people or volunteer there are online volunteer opportunities as well!
We all spend so much time online, the least we can do is actually go and volunteer a few hours a week and help others out.
For those of you in the UK, this site will help you out quite a bit:
http://www.volunteering.org.uk/ Pretty cool, right?
Now let’s get enthusiastic about helping others out! It’s not just about helping yourself. =D