Spock was a great many things, some of them even negative (i.e. kind of an asshole to that Ensign in Tactical), but the man was rarely late
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With the lights so dim, Bones couldn't see a damn thing until it was nearly right in front of his face. He knew someone was walking towards him, but only knew it was Angela a moment before she started speaking. He noticed she was in civilian clothes, as was Uhura. Spock, for his part, looked even more the part of unfeeling robot in all black. It made the green tint in his skin stand out, too.
Bones, for his part, had walked into his quarters after shift covered in a gelatin that had oozed from its container while he and another nurse were sorting supplies. As his other uniforms were being washed, he had no choice but to wear civvies of his own. Unfortunately, coming from the south, he really only had farm clothes.
So here he sat, in worn jeans and a faded undershirt, trying to keep an air of professionalism about him even while looking for all the world like a backwater hick. He might as well have had a damn piece of straw in his mouth.
"No, I'm here for the intellectual conversation." Bones rolled his eyes. "Of course Jim made me come." Wary of all Angela's tricks, he held up his hands. "You can just forget it, missy, you aren't mixing any drinks tonight. Command just lifted our probation; landing in the doghouse just hours after escaping isn't exactly my idea of a good time."
Angela pouted a little for show, and then shrugged it off. "Fine then."
She turned to Mira, and smirked. "Looks like I'm not allowed to enable anyone tonight. Doctor's orders. Buuut I'll teach you how to make one!" Really, wasn't that just as good?
The ensign leaned against the bar, working at popping the cork on her bottle of champagne. "Bones, I'm going to make you have fun tonight." She raised an eyebrow. "After all, did you see Mira? How could you not enjoy yourself when she's looking amazing?"
"Don't give me that, I've seen the way you mix a drink; no wonder Chekov got smashed on just one. A team of Irish farmers would have a hard time keeping up, the way you pour." McCoy looked from Angela to Mira, already knowing he was going to have a rough time of it. Between these two, and Jim whenever he decided to show up, he knew he'd always be outnumbered. Nothing but trouble, these women, he told himself, as if that would somehow give him the ability to stand up and walk away from them.
"I can see Mira just fine, thank you Angela." Bones put as much venom as he could into her name, telling her in no uncertain terms to back off. He'd seen Mira on his operating table not five days ago, and those images weren't likely to fade any time soon. To have his first real patient as CMO be someone so close-- he didn't want to dwell, though that was almost all he had been doing. "How are you feeling?" he asked Mira in a professional voice, taking her wrist to check her pulse. "I don't want you to push yourself tonight. You'd still be in Medical if I'd had my way."
Mira chuckled at Angela's enthusiasm- it was so nice to see. This was exactly what she needed. "Okay, sure," she responded, smiling.
It was probably a good thing that she was waiting for Angela to open the bottle of champagne because she would have probably choked on her drink had it already been poured. The ensign could have used a little more tact than that, or at least not commented on her while she was present. Her cheeks went pink, heating the rest of her face. Ready to retort the question with sarcasm, in hopes of directing the subject elsewhere, she was too slow as McCoy beat her to it.
"I feel great actually," she answered in a matter-of-fact tone. So she might have been a little achy, but he didn't need to know everything. She looked down as he grabbed her wrist. You would think she was terminally ill the way he was so quick to check her pulse. She wiggled out his grasp, taking back her hand. "I know, that's why I didn't let you have your way," Not like she was one to do so. "And as much as everyone in medical loves me, I can't stay cooped up in there. At least let me have some fun before I get shipped back in."
Angela ignored the Look that Bones gave her, but knew better than to press him when he said her name with about as much affection as he used when talking about exotic deadly diseases. That tone was always her cue to stop, and it always made her feel a little victorious.
She shrugged nonchalantly, and shot Mira a sideways smile. She hadn't wanted to embarrass the woman, but it was true that Mira looked completely and fully fabulous and felt the fact needed some attention. Bones got a different look in his eyes when he saw Mira - a rare happiness - and Angela wanted to make sure that it didn't slip away. Mira, from what she'd told Angela, felt the same way about Bones, which erased any feelings of guilt that Angela might have had about her total lack of tack.
She let them banter with one another, pretending that the bottle was very interesting. Finally, the cork flew out with a satisfying pop, Angela poured herself a glass before turning back to the bar and pulling aside various bottles. "Here," she said, pushing them torwards Mira. "Mostly grapefruit juice, and equal parts vodka and cranberry. Or, you know, mostly vodka and juice to taste. Whatever works for you!"
Maybe it was true Bones had a bit of a soft spot for the science officer who always seemed to be injuring herself. But it wouldn't do anyone any damn good to point it out. "Medical wouldn't be so fond of you if you weren't such a familiar face." he pointed out, though his tone was not nearly so gruff. He let her snatch her wrist away, holding back a scowl. "Only trying to make sure you make a full recovery."
Standing, Bones walked around to the other side of the bar. Mint Juleps were deceptively hard to make, and he didn't trust Angela's liberal hand nor Mira's amateur skills. Silently working around the two women, he moved as swiftly and efficiently as during surgery. Soon enough, he had a perfectly-prepared mint julep in a silver cup. Bones took a sip and sighed with the first sliver of contentment he'd felt all week.
Bones, for his part, had walked into his quarters after shift covered in a gelatin that had oozed from its container while he and another nurse were sorting supplies. As his other uniforms were being washed, he had no choice but to wear civvies of his own. Unfortunately, coming from the south, he really only had farm clothes.
So here he sat, in worn jeans and a faded undershirt, trying to keep an air of professionalism about him even while looking for all the world like a backwater hick. He might as well have had a damn piece of straw in his mouth.
"No, I'm here for the intellectual conversation." Bones rolled his eyes. "Of course Jim made me come." Wary of all Angela's tricks, he held up his hands. "You can just forget it, missy, you aren't mixing any drinks tonight. Command just lifted our probation; landing in the doghouse just hours after escaping isn't exactly my idea of a good time."
She turned to Mira, and smirked. "Looks like I'm not allowed to enable anyone tonight. Doctor's orders. Buuut I'll teach you how to make one!" Really, wasn't that just as good?
The ensign leaned against the bar, working at popping the cork on her bottle of champagne. "Bones, I'm going to make you have fun tonight." She raised an eyebrow. "After all, did you see Mira? How could you not enjoy yourself when she's looking amazing?"
"I can see Mira just fine, thank you Angela." Bones put as much venom as he could into her name, telling her in no uncertain terms to back off. He'd seen Mira on his operating table not five days ago, and those images weren't likely to fade any time soon. To have his first real patient as CMO be someone so close-- he didn't want to dwell, though that was almost all he had been doing. "How are you feeling?" he asked Mira in a professional voice, taking her wrist to check her pulse. "I don't want you to push yourself tonight. You'd still be in Medical if I'd had my way."
It was probably a good thing that she was waiting for Angela to open the bottle of champagne because she would have probably choked on her drink had it already been poured. The ensign could have used a little more tact than that, or at least not commented on her while she was present. Her cheeks went pink, heating the rest of her face. Ready to retort the question with sarcasm, in hopes of directing the subject elsewhere, she was too slow as McCoy beat her to it.
"I feel great actually," she answered in a matter-of-fact tone. So she might have been a little achy, but he didn't need to know everything. She looked down as he grabbed her wrist. You would think she was terminally ill the way he was so quick to check her pulse. She wiggled out his grasp, taking back her hand. "I know, that's why I didn't let you have your way," Not like she was one to do so. "And as much as everyone in medical loves me, I can't stay cooped up in there. At least let me have some fun before I get shipped back in."
She shrugged nonchalantly, and shot Mira a sideways smile. She hadn't wanted to embarrass the woman, but it was true that Mira looked completely and fully fabulous and felt the fact needed some attention. Bones got a different look in his eyes when he saw Mira - a rare happiness - and Angela wanted to make sure that it didn't slip away. Mira, from what she'd told Angela, felt the same way about Bones, which erased any feelings of guilt that Angela might have had about her total lack of tack.
She let them banter with one another, pretending that the bottle was very interesting. Finally, the cork flew out with a satisfying pop, Angela poured herself a glass before turning back to the bar and pulling aside various bottles. "Here," she said, pushing them torwards Mira. "Mostly grapefruit juice, and equal parts vodka and cranberry. Or, you know, mostly vodka and juice to taste. Whatever works for you!"
Standing, Bones walked around to the other side of the bar. Mint Juleps were deceptively hard to make, and he didn't trust Angela's liberal hand nor Mira's amateur skills. Silently working around the two women, he moved as swiftly and efficiently as during surgery. Soon enough, he had a perfectly-prepared mint julep in a silver cup. Bones took a sip and sighed with the first sliver of contentment he'd felt all week.
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