[Private to Self/Unhackable] Captain's personal log, star date 2258.21. I've now been trapped in "the City" for a total of 16 days. Apparently Ambassador Spock was here before me and left. Additionally, a Lt. Commander Data from near the time of Ambassador Spock is also here. While I was the first of my timeline to arrive it seems my entire bridge crew, with the exception of Ensign Sulu, have arrived.
I'm not sure what the fascination with us the deities have is but the more of my crew here, the better our chances of getting out of here. With so many of the crew here it's time I assigned them duties. I'm proud that they're all doing what they need to without direction but it doesn't hurt to remind them that this isn't shore leave. As Bones keeps pointing out, we are prisoners, no matter how pleasant a jail it can be.
My attempts at negotiations with the deities were a failure, they weren't even willing to make an appointment. I've seen other people contact the deities over the network though and I'll try to establish communication that way.
So, apparently the deities aren't really keen on opening up negotiations or letting you make appointments. Or maybe they were just too busy planning the circus to see me.
Has anyone actually talked to the deities at their office or is that all just for show? They seem like the type to get a kick out of making it seem like we have a bit of control over our lives here.
It seems like bridge crew is rather popular with whoever it is that chooses who comes and who goes. Commander Spock, Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, Ensign Pavel Andreievich Chekov, and Lieutenant Nyoto Uhura are all here. It's almost like being home, minus my ship, which I had better find in the same condition as I left it when I go back.
Kitty, how are you doing?
[Private to Deities/Unhackable]
I heard you make deals for items from people's home raelities. I'd like to make a deal for my motorcycle.