Who: Kirk, Bones, James Potter, Lily Evans, Endymion, Falco and OPEN to party crashers.
What: Painting the streets and buildings of San Francisco red.
Where: Starting off at Fisherman's wharf, then a bar and maybe Chinatown.
When: Starts off at 7:00 pm of Day 2.
Rating: PG-13 to be safe.
It wasn't Iowa, that was for sure. Finally off campus, Kirk took a few deep breaths of the salt air and smiled lightly. Definitely not Iowa and that was fantastic. He didn't think he could get enough of how it smelled. It smelled like the beginning of something new and maybe it was. Maybe if he was more of a poet, he'd bother with some flowery thoughts or something about how the sea air was a metaphor for his new life at Starfleet, not that he was planning on getting rid of his old life just yet. If ever. His past was just a part of who he was and he wasn't about to try and deny he didn't live it, that there were shit he lived through.
Kirk chuckled to himself, leaning against the railing of the pier. Yeah, this place was different and more liberating than the Academy. Maybe he should have this out on the town be a weekly, or daily, thing for him and whoever wanted to come with him. That is if he managed to stay on somewhat good behavior and not let himself get banned from one too many bars this evening.
Maybe just one or two this time out. Kirk grinned. Where's the fun if he didn't get banned at least once tonight? Get his name known and get as many people to figure out he ain't his father's son. That he wasn't George Kirk. He was his own damn person. The fact that not everyone at Starfleet was trying to make him vomit on the fact he was George Kirk's son and George Kirk was a hero. Whatever. He was going to have fun tonight and if that fun came with some trouble? All the better.
[[ ooc: After giving it some thought, I'm going to let you all have your own individual threads but label the subject line with OPEN or CLOSED.
OPEN means anyone can join you in a conversation whatever.
CLOSED will be only between you and few other invited people and no one else.
As for Party Crashers... Make your own thread or just crash into any OPEN thread. /lame organization orz.
Oh and uh... Posting Order for OPEN threads: First Person, Second Person, First Person, CRASHER, Second Person, First Person, Second, New Person, etc. Or however you want to do it. Idk. ]]