Who: Jaina Solo
jedis_sword, OPEN
What: After finding a spot on the campus to practice, Jaina decides she's past due on practicing her Force skills.
Where: Around campus.
When: Late afternoon between classes
Rating: PG
It wasn't exactly in the middle of the campus that the young Jedi Knight found a perfect place to practice. People were running about enjoying the first days worth of information that the instructors were giving them. Jaina liked them enough herself but was only slightly agitated by the uniform. Her next class wasn't until later that evening so she had enough time to get some training in, shower, a quick meal, then off to the labs again. Needless to say she was quite pleased to be stripped out of the stiff red uniforms for
something more natural. Standing in the middle of the little park area where students were gathering for lunch she found the perfect little spot that was just big enough to work her forms and totally not show off keep people at a good enough distance so not to get hurt.
With her saber ignited the Jedi Knight went through the practiced forms slowly ignoring the sweat that trickled down her neck from the hot sun. She focused on the sound of the blade and the people about her as she moved from one stance to the next with the skill of someone having done them over long periods of time. It was a strain not to breeze through them- this lesson was all about control.
People could watch if they wanted, ask her questions, even join in if they wanted. She had some practice swords out of the way. Just, she hoped, as long as they didn't get the bright idea to jump into the shiny purple blade.