Armistice Day today! I would have concentrated a lot better in assembly had not Ivanski's every breath tickled me in the back of the neck and 'Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace' had me thinking of St. Francis, and, consequently, of France. Hooooo boy.
It was nice, though, and rather thought-provoking. Eeeexcept I'm not so good at thinking so... I need a better way of fixing my poppy on my coat. A SINGLE PIN IS NOT ENOUGH, PEOPLE, BRING OUT THE SAFETY PINS. FOR THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE NATION.
Tomorrow I've got an Open Day. It shall be at Central St. Martin's at University of the Arts London and 'ckin'ellllllll I am so unprepared! :D
For school today, I finally brought in all those materials I picked up from UCA Epsom. A prospectus, a couple of information booklets on degree courses, and some printed material/books containing degree work by Graphic Design students. All cracking stuff, mind you, but I felt the school could use it better. Heh. I already drew my worth of lolz from that stash.
'Tiz a truth universally acknowledged that a bruv in possession of fresh skets must be in want of a wifey.
-Incidentally, today was also the day planned where some of last year's students (who had gone on to do the foundation year at UAL) came back for an hour to talk to us about their experiences of the course thus far. And I was shocked, really, at how little the others in my class knew about the foundation art process. Like portfolios, applications, even structure of the course and tryouts and end projects and..., what, they have all the talent, but I have all the research skills? Check me. :I
One important thing (well, important to me...) they mentioned was living at home vs living in London. All of them continued to live at home, in this borough outside of London, and commuted into the city for every of those three days (and more!) that they would spend on campus every week. Now, I don't really want to be living at home still next year, but... but...
Well, they said it was nice to go home and have "food, a washing machine, a printer"... yes, apparently everyone in halls kills each other like Battle Royale if somebody brings in a printer. Heheh. Hmmm.
Not to mention the living-at-home option would save ridiculous amounts of money that I suppose could otherwise be saved/spent for post-fdA plans- NOT THAT I KNOW WHAT THEY ARE OR ANYTHING.
It sounds very nice though- maaaaaybe not really looking at Camberwell anymore (seemed a bit too laissez-faire. "SIT DOWN AND DO THAT. GO." rather than learning how to draw, which they do at LCF apparently /considers!) but Central St. Martin's is definitely a choice!....If only I could actually get in, heh. It's time to make that portfolio.
...And abuse with my orders. God damn their prints are lovely.
This reminds me that 1: I have a bunch of sketches and doodles I need to upload somewhere and 2: that I have a scratch on my back that looks like a papercut and I want to sculpt something inspired by it. I am reminded of that sliced canvas at the Tate Modern but that's rather special, isn't it.
Oh, lookie, lookie here!~
So, this malarkey about
Gordon Brown's handwriting! The article sums it up pretty well, and- then I went to read the article on
The Sun website and.
You know, that was a pretty good impression on someone who's never read the Sun before. :| It's a bit of a sham, isn't it.
Personally (from my rather shallow point of view); if his way of showing sympathy and gratitude for the soldiers of our country is by writing a simple letter, then that's fine, right? It reminds me of those little old ladies who get(got?) a letter from the Queen Mother(OH MAN I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER ANYMORE) when they hit 100. And older. Then you get the grannies massing up collections of these letters, all exactly the same, because they live for so long. And it loses its touch.
If that woman threw the letter away based completely and entirely of its presentation, that's... kind of rude. Especially when it's from the Prime Minister. C'monnnn. 8C
I... I don't know. I can actually read that letter quite well. @____@ The blending-in of Es and Ss and things? I do that too when I'm under stress... or, just... generally, I suppose, unless I concentrate... /stares at RS exams
I had this image in my head for the latter part of Classics today.
Also, it seems Mr. Deane knows an awful lot about paedophilia. His speech on MJ was fascinating-- and I guess I can appreciate Olivia just that little bit more now, knowing that her uninformed and ever so irrelevant and baseless arguments in class can potentially provide me with some stunning insight into random topics. Srs!
-He was funny about my having Dib Dabs in my possession. Okay, so Wednesdays are not the best timetable days (Classics is last and I NEED MY ENERGY DURING THE DEANE'S LESSONS OR I DIIEEEE and get grouchy) so I bought something of sugary content-- and what better than my namesake? 8D what I thought initially but I don't really rate them anymore. This is sad. He saw me eating the lollipop (missed the spectacular sherbet powder fail, thankfully), grinned and said "Is that because of your name and somebody gave it to you?", whereupon I replied that I'd bought it myself and he laughed and called me a narcissist.
Hehe, I am vaguely looking forward to playing him in the revue. <3 As long as he doesn't find out. O_______O
editedit NOT GOING INTO SCHOOL BECAUSE... if club can't be run by Sofia, whose doctor's appointment suddenly changed, then it'll be awkward doing what we planned. I fail, huh. :I;;; ...And I may possibly do some heavy drawing to get my OTPspriorities straight, eh.
This song has also reminded me of why I don't particularly like Muse. But hey, it's catchy and relevant to certain characters lololol BUT IT'S BETTER THAN GETTING ONE VISION IN YOUR HEAD... RITE??
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