Feb 21, 2015 17:05
Hi again! Me shuffling things around again.
My young Dumbledore/Grindelwald series is almost complete; but as I was writing story #3, I realized I wasn't quite satisfied with the set-up I'd created (or perhaps failed to create) in story #2. So I've made a few tweaks to story #2 ("Ripe as Summer Quinces") - nothing too major, just a few paragraphs' worth I've added here and there - and will be posting the new version shortly. But I'll also leave up the post with the first version, because the comments some of you left there were helpful in my thinking about how to revise the story, so it makes sense to me to leave both versions here... But the new one will be the "official" one.
And part 3 (the "rotten" of "Golden, Ripe and Rotten") is coming soon!
(Oh, and...yes, I'm writing a fourth story about them, too, set several decades later...)
golden ripe and rotten