yeah I went ahead and did it anyways. || ic prospective: magneto/erik lensherr

Jul 14, 2011 11:43

Character: Erik Lensherr || Magneto
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Player Name: V!


[the screen is dark for a moment, and whoever's on the screen has a hilarious helmet on. he also seems to be wearing a cape, but it's hard to tell just what he looks like from his silhouette.]

Brothers and sisters.

The time has come to rise up, my brethren. For too long, you've been held here, kept in the hold of this hellish bubble. Forced under its whims. Tattooed and kept prisoner. Tortured with the memories of your home, turned into things you aren't.

[the conviction in his voice is obvious and dark; there is no small emotion behind what he's saying.]

And yet... [he moves in the darkness. astute observers might notice that he's cocked his head, held out his hands, the cape on his back swishing with the motion.] Where are the locals, in all of this? What have they done for their captives? Nothing. They leave us to suffer, expect us to cope with their prison. This does not seem fair, does it, my brethren?

Torn from our homes. Our families. Our friends. Kept from the sun, tormented by otherworldly changes and tortured with the knowledge we may never return. Expected to deal with our new prison, given no help but a place to sleep and eat. And how long until that runs out, I wonder? How long until these pathetic "locals" abandon us entirely?

Well, brothers and sisters.

[he moves out of the camera's view. a shuttered bay window, huge and curved, begins to unshutter itself - the metal clatters as it moves without help, opening entirely to show the city of Vatheon; it's dark out, but the city's lights are clear and beautiful. the bubble can barely be seen in the dim lighting contrasted by the city, with the fish serenely swimming by.]

I think it's time we deal with this nuisance.

It's time to rise up, my brethren. Time to rise and take this city. Let us not be ruled by humans, who clearly care nothing for our well-being. We should govern what we do, and where and how we live.

When we have this city, we will use it as we see fit. And, perhaps, together we can find the secret to returning home.

Join me, brothers and sisters, and together we will free ourselves of these burdens.

c: erik lensherr/magneto, ic: prospective

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