Jun 09, 2011 13:39
Character: Pierce Villiers
Fandom: Clover no Kuni no Alice
Player Name: Kitty
[ Rousing to look around blearily, it really did seem kind of off, didn't it? There was that little panic attack going on, his breathing becoming quick and suddenly being that much more alert. ]
[ As he was fretting, looking about frantically he finally found himself transfixed on the sky. The would be dormouse did start to notice the fact that he was well beyond moist, that's for sure. ]
Thi-this isn't Nightmare's place though. It's always weird, but not like this. And I'm-I'm wet.
[ He stood, starting to shrug off that jacket, heavy as it was while dripping wet. Pierce thought he was imagining things at first, but the sky really is all just water. And taking off that coat did not make him feel any less tired or weighed down. ]
I don't know where I am. Did I drown? Is this-is this what happens when you die?
[ There really were too many questions and no idea where he was going. Though he did start to feel something clunky in that pocket of his, reaching in to draw it out there was the most puzzled look one could imagine. ]
This doesn't feel good, not at all! It's scary! It's all very scary! Idon'twanttobehereIwanttogohome!
c: pierce