Where it all began.

Dec 08, 2007 01:03

Hopping on the bandwagon, this is my first ever LJ-Post:

Hello everyone!
I have just started my own personal livejournal! If you want to see my fantasy ideas lj, go to www.livejournal.com/users/fuzzhead_gha. Anyway, where do I start? I just had a wonderful summer which I've told almost everyone about. For those who don't know, I took part in a study program at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) where I not only learned art and architecture and met wonderful people, but also came out of the closet! I am now out to my parents and my close friends and am slowly (but, rest assured, surely) coming out at school as well. (What will conservative Alex think?? LOL) Anyway! I am shocking plenty of people with this quite disturbing photo of Dr. Gabriel'n'Furter! (Yours truly)

Scary isn't it? My mom nearly fainted. I would like to thank Rachel and Linzi for their great make-up work and for supplying the clothes. What would I do without you???
I also looked at a lot of colleges, my favorites being Sarah Lawrence College (http://www.slc.edu/) and Brown University which is also in Rhode Island (http://www.brown.edu). We also went to Toronto, and the CN Tower, where I sat on a glass floor several hundred meters above the ground! Here be a photo!

Apart from that, school started a yesterday and we already have tons of homework! I have to get my 4000 word extended essay done by September, (how many words I have? Oh, just about... 1000) and Mr. Harker, idiot physics teacher extraordinaire, has dumped a giant workload on us. In other news, I am planning a self-portrait (of myself) in my signature painting style but hopefully far less cartoony based on a series of "artistic photos" i took of myself after school today, one of them being the icon you see at the top of this page.
Other than that there really isn't that much to relay! I hope to be a prolific poster but knowing myself I will have trouble (I have a dusty stack of started journals hidden somewhere in the freakishly unholy mess that is my room)
Have a nice time reading about my private life!
Yours truly,
Gabriel H (which actually stands for Herman but should in my opinion stand for Horatio or Hyperion) Aronson
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