Title: Part 1 - Denial
starfireficFandom: Torchwood
Characters: Owen, Jack
Word Count: ~600
Genre: Dark, angsty pr0n
Rating: Definite NC-17
Beta: The mutli-talented
riftugee Author's Notes:Written in response to a prompt from
karaokegal for a Jack/Owen BDSM prompt. It didn't turn out as BDSMy as I wanted, but I'm really hoping that Part 2 will fix that...
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I'm not sure why it makes such sense to me my brain... but despite the amount of sub!Jack fics I'm seeing at the moment, Jack just kind of strikes me as far more of a Dom... (of course, that could just be my own twisted fantasies talking... when I say the Owen in this series is gratuitous author insertion, I'm *really* not kidding!)
ANYWAY. He's definitely an excellent dom, and you pulled it off really well. Your Owen is Owen enough to be believable, I didn't find him especially out-of-character. :)
It's just the Jack muse in my brain doesn't react that way, so they're never as hot (for me as I read them), as the ones where he's domming. *soft smile* - different strokes for different folks - it's all good ;-)
But yeah, thank you for letting me know the way I've written him here works for you, and that Owen seems to stay in character as well - the feedback is definitely appreciated!
After I fuck around with him, I seriously need to let him have a turn. I just need some kind of inspiration!
*grins evilly, and yet somewhat embarrassedly at the same time*
It probably says something disturbing about me that the exception I can make to not finding well-written sub!Jack fics hot is when there's an element of dub-con involved. So errr... I'm looking forward to reading your fics when they're done ;-)
I just started the dub-con Jack/John one and I think I'll have to watch Kiss Kiss Bang Bang again or something, because I'm stuck. But when I finally finish that, it's going on kinky_torchwood. Maybe guns_n_poodles if I like it enough to put it in two places. Heh!
I just (finally!) watched KKBB yesterday, and dear GODS, the tension between those two! It's enough to keep an army of fangirl ficwriters in business for years to come.
(although I suspect I'm not the only one that kept getting bleed-through from Spike the entire episode... Mr Marsters looked like he was having way too much fun with it...
NO KIDDING! I just watched it again for the umteenth time, and I'm hoping it'll help with the Jack/John dub-con fic. I still have less than a page, and I think my Jack is being far too submissive. x_X (He's tied up, but seriously!)
I haven't seen Spike, but I hear Marsters is usually a hot, snarky bastard in whatever he's in. :D
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