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May 06, 2006 22:44

There's officially one week left of my second year here. I've worked so hard all year, sometimes very sleep/food/free-time-deprived; first semester because of Photography and second semester because of my three history classes. Too bad the first time all year I've actually felt like slacking and procrastinating is right now! The most important time of the year. Arrg. Right now all I want to do is pack up all my stuff because it's going to be stressful on Friday and Saturday doing it in a rush. But first I have to write an essay and study for four exams. Just one more week, seven more days. But somehow that doesn't make me feel better. Those seven days are standing in the way of three adventurous weeks in Spain and two months of summer in Connecticut...quality time with my fam and all the books I've been longing to read and trips to NYC and some sweet job...don't know which one as of yet. Applied to one at town hall, two at the public library, and I'm going to apply to Borders..possibly my favorite store of all time.

What did I accomplish this year? All kinds of cool things! I lived in this Penthouse Playground I'm sitting in now with Amy. It's just a room (that everyone says is so big) on the top floor of my dorm overlooking the quad and a lovely large tree. Because it's so colorful and decorated and fun, I'd given up on doing homework here and I officially visited every library on campus! My personal favorites (aside from the main one) include Physics/Chemistry, Math, and Architecture. Speaking of libraries, I got three new nicknames! Along with last year's Hessie and Sassafras, I now also go by Biblioteca, Isabel, and LizardBreath. I did a helluvalot for this dorm: completely redoing the website and thorougly updating it every week since Spring Break, retrieving and sorting the mail twice a week, being on duty for hours at a time checking in hott boys late into the night during football weekends, participating in Miss Bullfrog, occasionally putting up stall notes in every bathroom stall, burning and assembling various volumes of dorm mixes for 28 people, and putting together the entire 15-minute-long end-of-the-year slideshow. The benefits of all of this? I think I've become recognized as one of the more active, significant sophomore members of the dorm, which basically includes me and my circle of friends and a couple other people. And hey maybe I can put some of this stuff on my resume. I've also gotten to know people outside of the dorm..ppl from clubs, classes, guy friends, and I finally got to meet that rebellious/anti-establishment girl who I always saw walking around last year and thought was so cool!! Her name is Nikki and I got to meet her awesome roommates and all of them happened to be friends with Cassie and Christine. So I'm really, really happy about that. I wish I could be better friends with them. We have so much in common..love for Japanese stuff, superheroes (even if they perfer Marvel), certain music groups, Hot Topic. Although I don't really see a close friendship happening. You can't really force that type of thing. I also got to know Kristin a lot better, as well as Candice, Marleina, and most of the juniors and seniors. I'm done with all my core requirements except a second Philosophy. I had much better lineups than last year. I continued with Spanish for the whole year, which really helped me get better I think. Especially this past semester with Cassie and Kristin to converse with. Photography was amazing though it was time-consuming. My last Theology class ever was hilarious with this expert who is fluent in Greek and Hebrew and probably Aramaic and who knows what else. And my four History classes affirmed that my decision to major in History was indeed the right one. I have six of those left. I also declared Computer Applications as a supplimentary major. I have eight of those to take and hopefully I'll enjoy them. Last year I went to Chicago twice, once with a club and once to visit my relatives. This year I went once with Cassie, Christine, and Amy and stayed overnight at Amy's grandparents' house. We were pretty much completely on our own. I've never really done something like that before entirely with people my own age with no help from parents. It made me realize that we really are pretty much adults now. We went off campus more this year shopping and stuff because Amy had a car, a cute zippy yellow Pontiac Sunfire. But we didn't have a ton of adventures. We basically just stayed mellow and lived the good life...went casually and confidently to class as second-years, watched tv and movies, went to dorm events, did homework in the libraries, and feasted on good food in the dining hall, by the fireplace as always. I was much happier this year than last year. Amy has been a lot easier to live with, a lot less annoying than my roommates last year. I was lonely and upset last year. My friends lived all together on a different floor often doing stuff without me, I hated my classes, and everything wasn't as familiar as it is now. I lost weight, ate a lot of gross microwavable food, did a lot of stuff on my own. This year I liked nearly all my classes, hung out all the time with the third-floor girls and people from other classes, went to the dining hall more, used more flex points, I still did stuff on my own but when I came back, I had friends back at the dorm waiting for me. It's not like I was always alone. I actually gained weight this year, but I'm okay with that because it means I've been happy.

My LiveJournal Sitcompopsicle and television set (DISNEY, 8:30): Starfire789 (Tony Danza) claims to be artemia (Rip Torn) in a job interview. Nearby, littleheadache (Susan Sarandon) discovers that amygrace86 (Emma Caulfield) is taking ballet lessons. Craziness ensues.What's Your LiveJournal Sitcom? (by rfreebern)
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