Have you ever wanted to be somebody else? Have you ever wanted to look like somebody else? Of course you have everyone has...Lately I've been having those feelings, and normally that's okay because for most people it's jut a passing phase. But I know that i have a tendency to get a little too far. I didn't think anything of it until now that I'm in college... But in middle school I was obsessed with being jut like Starfire from Teen titans,hence why my e-mail and practically every user name i have is Starfire. I used to study everything about her because i wanted nothing more than to be her. It got soo bad that i ate lots and lots of carrots you know because they're orange and it got to where if you pressed down on my skin instead of being white at first than going back to my normal skin color like usual.Instead it was orange at first... (For those of you who don't watch Teen Titans, Starfire happens to have orange colored skin))
eventually of course this phase passed once i got into high school and has happened since than, that is until i started noticing signs of my "obsession" coming back to haunt me again but this time it isn't Starfire I'm obsessed with.. Mind you it is another girl anime character even though teen titans isn't really an anime but you get my point..I won't say who it is..but I'm trying to keep it under control this time since I'm much older now i think I'll be okay. But I just wanted to get this off my chest....
In recent news however I got a new job,i was soo surprised how well I was able to get one so quickly in the horrible economy and what not.. But yeah i work over at Wendy's on beach side... it will be a challenge getting all the way over the bridge and to work but hey a job is a job so I'm not complaining..
James and i have been okay, his ex is out of her f***ing mind but it's nothing i can't handle.. I'm looking forward to going to a Halloween party with Courtni,Anthony and my boyfriend..it's the only thing I'll be doing to celebrate so I'm super excited that i was invited.. thanks guys..
anyways i'll be heading off now.. peace!