cross posted from facebook - quickie update - going Raw

Oct 12, 2009 22:23

In short...I love it.

We have adapted this lifestyle pretty much full on. More so then I ever expected. And the returns have been far greater then I could have imagined.

Short list:
More present at all times
Clearer mind
Clearer skin
More range of taste buds
No shortage of food variety or options
Stronger finger nails
Silkier hair
Brighter Eyes
More energy
Whole body healing
Reduction in allergies
Reduction in waistline (20lbs lost since Sept 1)
Deeper sleep
Less overall fatigue
A general feeling of 'good' in every day life

I've had some cooked food (maybe 4-5 oz a day) in the last week with my trip to Vegas and a wonderful sushi meal I had promised myself. Getting back to 100% Raw was just a simple matter of moving forward. No resistance or sense of loss. Just moving forward in daily life.

All in all...loving it. There are some hurdles but nothing that feels uncrossable. All walks of this just feels right. I plan on continuing this for as long as that stays true.

How does it get any better then this!?!?!


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