Not much is new. I'm still stressed beyond belief, so much that I feel physically ill. It's not fun at all. I guess I'll just summarize the main events that are worth mentioning.
- Went with my dad to go look at cars again. I sat in a 2002 BMW 330i. I think I'm in love..hehe. I also sat in a new 7-series. My dad walked around to the side of the car, read the price, then quickly reached in and yanked me out and told me not to touch it ever again. lol. He thinks I'll break everything..oi.
- Argued with dad yesterday. He takes me to go look at cars, and then he yells at me for looking at cars! I mean seriously, wtf?
- Played with Buddy a bunch this week. He's shedding, so he's very shaggy looking. I'm working on teachning him to howl on command. Check it out:
He howls!...Kinda - Working on artwork. Experimenting with a new fur technique, it looks absolutely awesome! I love the results.
- My artshow check came! Woohoo! (I earned some money in cash at the dealer's table, the rest was made from the auction, and I was mailed a check) I earned $1,980 in the artshow, and they charged me a 10% commission fee of $198, so I got a check for $1,782. It's going to my 'Buy Starry a car" fund.
- Mom got a job doing the blueprints for the DoubleTree Hotel in San Jose. They want to install tollbooth gates, and so she's doing all the plans and technical stuff for them. She's going to ask around $1,000-$1,300 for the job.
- Hung out with my friend Shahriar abit last week. He's awesome, and so sweet. He likes my art, too. Yay!
Otherwise, eh, nothing new happened. Here's some new art, though. It's a work in progress pastel painting for my bro's girlfriend of her malamute mix, Bear. He's such a cute dog.