What a difference a year makes

Jun 26, 2007 15:51

Hmm.. May of last year.. I don't quite recall what i was doing then.. aside from landscaping my front yard. Last June, i do remember was the last appearance of and retirement of my old go-go boy skirt.. There just comes a time to realise that even though you might still have the legs for it, go-go skirts do have an age limit (don't they?).

August... another year along and the appearance of those silver hairs. "Distinguished" ..like a burnt chemical factory, distinguished? "Sexy"... Vincent Price sexy or Sean Connery Sexy? Whatever the case, i was glad to see it come on. My Great GrandFather had long flowing silver hair; so i have been letting my own hair grow out since then. Not quite long enough to tie all of it, back but long enough to get in my eyes and ears and caught in my sunglasses..frequently. I have tried in the past, mind you, but now i have something to work with and toward.

January.. Kauai'i & Oahu. Beautifully rainy on Kauai'i. We had fun taking pictures of people taking pictures of the gorgeously colored and incredibly abundant Wild Moa (Chickens). I always enjoy every part of Kauai'i except Princetown.. where the atmosphere is so rich and thick and snobby that if you're not accustomed to it you could easily suffocate. Easily the most un-Hawaiian enclave in the islands. Paradise Lost. Kau ka weli kuamuamu...aneane make aloha. The spirits are crying there. But ask me how i really feel.
Then to Oahu.. even with it's heavily populated areas you can still feel the aloha mana flow across the land.
While we were in the Islands the snow dumped heavily back home.. espcially after the morning we left home.

April - til now
Back to getting the garden flourishing. We redid the vegie garden layout and i now have an herb garden about 2' deep and 40-50' long. And i have been busily tending to it and adding new plants there and throughout the property. Lovage, Borage, Echinacea, Chamomile, Oregano, Sweet Anise Fennel, Bronze Fennel, Monarda(Bee Balm), Licorice Basil, Cinnamon Basil, Lemon Verbena, Lemon Balm, Lavender (for cooking), Roman Chamomile, German Chamomile, Angelica, Black Cohosh, Elecampane, Valerian, Calendula, Self Heal, Mugwort, White Sage and Sweetgrass.. Learning about all the various uses - medicinal, culinary and spiritual - has become a passion. My major was horticulture but it has been a long time since i have worked so closely with the Earth. And I always love handling earth while planting. My Columbines which were gorgeous this year are going to seed and the seeds that i scattered about the property have taken and the leaves can be seen here and there. I also introduced Foxglove and Lupine to our plantings and look forward to seeing them flourish. The Foxglove is getting ready to seed as well. Hummingbirds are becoming frequent visitors to the garden and i have never seen so many damselflies. There are 3 dragonfly shells on the stalks of Pickerell Rush. Always absolutely fascinating. Almost wish i had been there to watch the emergence.

When we moved here there was a yard in front and a yard in back. In just over three years we have transformed the yards into gardens.
We were given a raspberry start last Spring and so far i have collected five pints of berries from our small plant over the last couple of weeks. My blueberries are in various stages of taking on their blue-violet hue. Come Early Fall, the South side of the house will be prepared and the raspberries and blueberries will be transplanted there along with the boysenberries that will be arriving shortly.
I am talking to my plants more and more, thanking my raspberry and strawberry plants for each berry they offer up, appologising far any errant damage that befalls a plant due to our clumsiness. I am even beginnig to designate an area for the edible weeds; Dandelion, Clover, PigWeed/Lambs Quarters and Fireweed so they will have an area all their own.

Suffice it to say you should see more of me here as i will be posting a fair amount about my garden and gardening adventures.
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