Mar 19, 2006 15:22
I have been riding the most wondeful energies for months with nary a ripple.. until yesterday. Tension filled the air.. as my partner and i were painting our dining room Crimson; drama unfolded out of nowhere ( i diffused that) then my computer suffered the worst and first virus attack ever, in years and years... and last night i was blindsided when I got a call from my mother that my half brother is in jail for attempted murder at a tavern. A man trying to breakup a heated argument between my brother and his girlfriend resulted in the man being stabbed 7 times :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry:
I rarely interact with my earth family. But the reverb on the genetic and emotional levels still reach me. I have sent love and light to my drama ridden family for years. And when i do visit, most of the time is spent offering solutions to problems and attempting to bolster the better parts of their natures. Always leaving them laughing and happy and loved. Sometimes i would see glimmers of hope.
I accept an honor their individual life paths and i know my brother is fulfilling his. I'm so removed from violence and anger it might as well be on another planet.
Suffice it to say that i am violet flaming my heart that feels like punched bread dough, as well as my entire auric/etheric field. Bringing in Divine Pink Gold Love Rays and sending them out to my family.
The Shift Goes On.......
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