Feb 21, 2004 23:50
Allright so this is all about last night. First let's start you off in the morning!
Friday morning I felt like shit. I kept thinking that something bad was going to happen.
So Of course I got all freaked out and it sucked...I felt sick to my stomach and didn't
Wanna hang out with anyone. Ra Ra and I were gonna be hanging out friday night
just the two of us. We wanted Dida to go but she had to go home and feed her dog
first. I wasn't about to drive out to byron, back to batavia ya know....Sooooooo
We got a hold of Jason (La La's brother). Jason decided to drive Dida back to Byron
at the end of the night if he could hang out with us too..Soooo We all decided then. It
was going to bed...Ra Ra, La La, Dida, Jason, and I. La La had no idea about our plans of
meeting at Santino's at 9...so we decided to go inform her! We went to Walmart (Ra Ra and I)
and met up with La La, telling her what our plans were. she loved them but of course
and we decided to leave.....BUTTTTTTTT. Before we did we ran into Kevin (Co worker of La La's).
Me and my big mouth just yell out "Hey Kevin hang out with us tonight"...sooooo he said he would.
Yay I said Yay...haha...Then while checking out La La's stuff, who is her cashier but my friend Ryan!
"Ryan!", I screeched..."Come hang out with us tonight"....so he said yes...So now it was ....
Ryan, Kevin, Dida, Jason, La La, Ra Ra, and I. Well I was thirsty and cold so I decided to go to
dunkie do's with Ra Ra..We departed from wally's and went there. Who is there??? AJ! I love my AJ
of life! I'm going to marry that fish! So what do we do? Ask AJ to hang out with us tonight.
Aj said okay after a little bit of thinking and so it was said to be all of us...the fellowship of the
freaks!...Ra Ra and I went home to her house and watched the holy grail. Needless
to say...I never laughed so hard at a cat getting stepped on..WTF? so after that I needed a nappy
if I was gonna make it through the night...I went into Ra Ra's room and layed down in her bed
Ra Ra was in the bathroom and I started to fall asleep when who came over but AJ of life!
Aj jumped on the bed with his freaking Chinesse of doom and started talking away. I could tell
that I wasn't going to sleep so I just layed there like a fish out of water...mra not dead (YET).
Aj, Ra Ra, and I sat there and talked for a few then Aj and I decided to lay down cause we were
sleepie lol...Rachel lit all her candles cause I bitched at her about her god damn lights. I
really wanted to sleep..Aj and I layed down and Ra Ra was playing her piano..Then We all
sat pretty much around and just laughed about stupid shit...It was like an hour later and I had
gotten no sleep what so ever We were to meet Dida, La La, and Jason at 9pm at Santinos.
We all got up and went to Santinos where we waited like an hour for those freaks!
mraaaaaaa.....hehe it was soo funny.. I never knew that rocking chairs turned me on so much.
Hmm interesting...very.....interesting *wink*. This strange kid that follows the santinos
kids around to deliver pizza was there. Ralph (kid who works there) was trying to convince this
kid to ask me out..WTF? This kid is strange as all hell..I don't know long story! All I know though
is that Rachel attacked aj...Knocked over a table, and spilled pop all over Aj's coat. I was like
"Holy shit I'm gonna die of laughter" not really but i was pretty funny...Reguardless to what AJ thinks.
Finally the kids came at like 10ish and we sat around laughing at stupid stuff trying to get some
santinos piece... lol ewwnessssss! We were to met kevin and ryan at like 11 so at around 11 we
all went to dennys to meet them....who shows up......
Ryan with his beautiful girlfriend Tiffany...their friend who works with them I think her name was
allie(?). Kevin, and a bunch of kids I dont know...So lets go through the list here of who
ended up showing up......allright...it was.
Ra Ra, Dida, La La, Jason, Aj, Ryan, Tiffany, their friend I don't know I'm calling her Allie lol, a group
of kids I didn't really even talk to other than introducing myself and asking them where they're from,
and kevin...So yeah it was like a million people. The question was...what to do? Well after
sitting in Denny's for like a million years we decided to call it a night and head home. We were all
gonna do something another time when we had more money and better ideas lol. Kevin wanted
some munchies though so we had to stop at tops.. So Ra Ra, La La, Dida, Aj, Kevin, Jason, and I
all went over to tops. Tops was fun. We ran around like dorks and such. It got kind of lame
for me though when I noticed that nothing was really making any sense anymore. Everyone
was getting out of control and I was tired. It was time to break up this party! lol....So..I
basically told everyone that I was going home...Kevin left first actually to check out, then we all
decided to leave too....So as I'm pulling out of tops parking lot with Ra Ra to go back to her house
Who do we see getting pulled over but Kevin..We started laughing so hard. I felt so bad. So rachel
goes "We have a wild crew Jen". It was sooo funny! Ra Ra and I spent the rest of the night talking
about this and that...then we started playing a game...heres how it went...
"I'm thinking of a number b/w 1 and 50...if you get it right, you're meant to be with
Elijah Wood". We started laughing so fucking hard...We played that stupid game for
like 2 hours...Then we were playing cards and dieing of laughter and samson and delia
Song number 18 at around 2:40 into the song..It was like a rush to get situated into bed. wtf? lol.
It was sooo funny! I loved it...Ra Ra and I talked for hours about stupid shit and laughed
over lotr's cards.... Rachel goes " Look he looks italian" one card looked like the witch king
was saying "MaMa Mia the pasta's good"...I never laughed so hard in my life. We fell asleep around
like 4 and then Woke up around 12 to the sound of AJ looking for his lighter that he let rachel
borrow last night. I was like "What the hell?". Haha. The whole time home I was laughing over
all the stupid shit that happened last night. I guess you had to be there...haha...Anyway..
Needless to say I'm home now.. I spent my day shopping at wally's with Jeffy for some foodsies.
It was fun. We got a lot of goodies with all the toppings.. Fun Stuffs yay! Good weekend and now