(no subject)

Oct 11, 2005 11:13

its rained so much recently, all the fields are disgusting and i can't make my CVS run bc its just too cold outside. Its still really nice though! It forces me to stay inside and see people, lol. I got a B on my midterm in art hist! WEEHAA! and a B+ in spanish...how that happened, i have no clue. but i gotta say, three cheers for brown nosing. =) speaking of three cheers, the newest my chemical romance video is amazing. prolly the best music video ever. and the black eyed peas made a new vid for "my humps". yay!

i have 4 more sketches for Cushman's class, and about 5 more for edmonson's. i have to try to crank those out before later on tonight bc i just can't work after like 9. it doesn't work out so well. =/

i stepped in a puddle the size of california today. whos gonna lend me a foot if this one falls off? lol. i make myself giggle.

Janice's story for the day:
so yesterday i'm studying for my spanish oral and i forgot that laguna beach comes on at 10 and some of the girls in my hall get together for a laguna party. so we wrap it up, and I forgot to grab a snack to share for the show. its like 9:45, so 15 minutes. I'm like "alright, i'll make it okay, i'll be fine"...i wait for the only working elevator, 5 mins go bye. i'm still alright bc i have like 10 mins. I stop on every other floor. at this point i'm like "CRAP!" and katherine and i book it out of curry and to the cafe. I'm scrambling around like "omg what do i want? what do i want?" looking around and stuff. I finally just grab a bag of chips and head to the check out, where the lady proceeds to take forever and a day fumbling with my card. I'm freaking out now. We book it, like sprinting, out of the cafe place and back to curry. This kid who is friends with sarah tried to say hi and i was like "CAN'T TALK! EYE ON THE PRIZE! LAGUNAAA!" running in puddles and everything. we now have maybe 4 minutes before the show, so i thought i was good. WRONG. everybody and their hairy uncle bob decides to come in at the same time and use the one working elevator. freakin a. so we all file in..someone needs the 5th floor, and the 6th, and the 7th. getting a little nervous now. we go down to the basement bc some loser had to do laundry right before laguna and needed to come up. PANICING!! we hit each floor and more ppl are coming on and stuff and i'm like "wtf??" and closing the door, telling ppl there is no more room and stuff like that. We finally make it to 9th with less than a minute...oh, we're good.
and that's my story!!

a bit of happy news: i'm wearing a really cute sweater and my favorite jeans right now. and i'm having a brilliant hair day.=) obctober 14-18 i'm home. i better see some of you!! <3

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