Jan 17, 2013 09:18
So, at the urging of some friends of mine, I am turning a recent short story into a book. The up side of this is I can get far more detailed about some of the more fluffy bits and back stories. The down side is I have to now develop those back stories, and really make sure I keep the red herrings and other elements carefully constructed so the reader will not pick out the killer so fast.... Well, those who read the short story already know who it is, but maybe I can plant a few more things here and there that will help lead the usual reader astray.
I am writing it in three chapter chunks, and so far I am finished with chapter one and two, starting on chapter three which will be a fairly short one. I have the breaks noted in the short story which I printed out for easier reference. Hopefully I can also manage not to let this consume me too much.
Another thing I wonder about... The short story was a first draft... Now I am turning it into a book... is this a second draft or a first draft now? I suppose second draft of the storyline and first draft of the book? I dunno.
I know I wanted to write more this year, but I am not so sure about the works in progress and what stages they will all be in when I get through this year as I am also going to seminars on health and fitness through a program I am participating in at work. I still need to go to the store and see about a set of weights so I can do the RBT workouts at home with my work schedule making it hard to get to many at the gym.
I have a lot going on, and I am hoping that I am doing good job of juggling all the balls I have in the air currently.....