Apr 13, 2006 12:07
What a concept....Dad's laptop in the airport for my first update in a million billion weeks.
Work is slowly working at killing me and I think my legs lack of finesse in the functioning deparment can be blamed on my extended hours of labor. Well not hard labor but work none the less. So, yes, much with the tiredness. I slept for the entire flight listening to the Academy to try and make up for all those lost hours of sleep and rest.
I can't really go into thoughts, feelings, and details with so few minutes till boarding but .......I will try and give you a condensed version of my mindset and such. Hopeless romantic as usual; mooning over a variety of boys. Obsessed with the fabric I see everyday and hoping to learn how to use those god damn patterns. Really looking forward to summer and the two concerts it holds for me. (Erica is my hero.) Missing my time reading. Happy with life in general.
I'm sorta spiteful you know. All those chick and guys in the other indie-ish or emo or scene groups all seem to bother me. Its not quite that I envey them but I hold a sort of personal grudge. As if they ignore me or laugh at me whewn I'm not looking. Paranoid and random I know but airports do that to me.
Love you ALL! I'll miss you and all that jazz.
My mind is scattered so good luck.