From Letterman: Top Ten Reasons George W. Bush Wants To Put A Man On Mars
10. Dick Cheney needs a new undisclosed location
9. It's part of his "No Planet Left Behind" initiative
8. Great deal on the off-season airfare right now at
7. Maybe we'll find some weapons of mass destruction there
6. We've run out of places on Earth to drill for oil
5. Hoping to get Mork's autograph
4. We cannot back down until the people of Mars hold free elections
3. Dude, free Mars bars
2. Why not? It's not like we have an enormous debt or failing economy
1. Pete Rose bet him we wouldn't do it
On a side note, bush is a fucker, he is trying to use federal money to give to faith based charities to help against discriminations. Thats fine if he wants to help against discriminations, but I dont think money should be given to organizations based on faith, because we all know bush is a nazi christian who wants the entire world to be what he is. He wants to spend over a billion dollars on this as well as the space program as well as the promotion of traditional healthy marriages for low income families, but look at this:
"The White House’s Director of National AIDS Policy has written to Congress at least three times since the President’s Africa trip to try to stop Congress from providing full funding to critically-needed global AIDS programs. The President has used distortions and half-truths about Africa to block expanded funding that would benefit all developing countries fighting AIDS. This effort has been partially successful in slowing the response to AIDS, and the result is that spending in 2004 will be much less than what was promised in the AIDS bill the President signed earlier this year."
This is one of many statements taken from: Read it cuz its messed up. He needs to get his priorities straight. He needs to do something for america and the people, not just for his beliefs.