Nov 05, 2006 05:41
I suck. I seriously suck. I'm home.. which is causing me to think. I messed up big time. I'm still stuck on it. FUCK. Why? Honestly. Why do I care so bad? Why can't I be like normal people and just get the fuck over it? I don't have many friends, and the ones I have are a-fucking-mazing.. but when I lose one, it kills me. Thisiskillingme. I feel so guilty. This is so fuckin' stupid. I really must be just stupid. It shouldn't be a big deal. People come and go. Seriously. Someone, please, kick me in the face. I give someone full permission to just slap me. I need a life. This shouldn't be as hard as it is. sadjhnsap[khnafdsp]hmSA]PFHMSf]hmS]FPKHsp]dfhfsd/. FUCK.