Season 3 EP 15 & 16-- An analysis of Sam and Dean's contract

May 10, 2008 04:53

After this episode, all viewers are left with one haunting image in their heads: Bela Talbot watching outside a motel window after failing to kill Sam, the Hellhounds hot on her trail.

It makes us (I think) feel that THERE IS NO HOPE.

Why? Allow me to discuss older episodes:

Dean and Sam have been betting on the possible, but extremely bleak and difficult task of finding the demon who holds Dean's contract, and hunting her down with the Colt (if they can fix it).

Now, since they realize that it might not be possible to kill this Demon, Sam accepts the help of Ruby, (who helps them fix the Colt) giving them a shot at doing the first option, and also Ruby's "supposed" knowledge of helping Dean out of his contract.

Then Bela Talbot comes along and steals the Colt.

At some point the Trickster comes along and makes Sam feel all the more worse than he already has. It seems like the whole of the Supernatural world they move in want them both to know that there is no way out of this one. Which only distresses the boys further.

Ruby admits that she cannot save Dean.

Dean has only a few weeks left.
So when episode 14 happens, and Dad is supposedly on the line, Dean wants to believe that there is a way out, but he realizes he is tricked and you know what happened there.

They cannot find Bela, and they cannot get the Colt back.

At this point it's evident that Sam's got something else on his head, he's HIDING something from Dean. Remember Jus in Bello? Before Jus in Bello, there was that tiny moment in MM (Ep 09) that Sam was all alone with the evil demonic force who owned Ruby's soul, and is given the news that there is a new leader who wants Sam gone.

Sam doesn't tell Dean. We don't know why exactly, but it's something zimshan likes to call the Brother Disconnect. I couldn't agree more in the sense that because Dean and Sam are both limiting each other from finding possible ways to get Dean out of the contract that they end up hiding information from each other instead of pooling it together.

Recap: Dean said in S3 ep. 01,

"We trap the crossroads demon, trick it, try to welch our way out of the deal in any way? You die. ...If you try to find a way, so help me god, I'm gonna stop you."--lifted from zimshan

Dean was quite secretive in Long Distance Phone Call, a little more wary of Sam and willing to do whatever "John" said to him on the phone.

We also notice that in addition to Sam withholding information about Lilith to Dean, he's also hiding something, but we just can't put our fingers on it.

Until this episode, at least.

Sam starts by casually mentioning a "zombie" job in Pennsylvania and Dean is surprised at Sam's initiative that he has to question why. Sam's answer placates Dean for the meantime, until he finds out that it's about a Doctor who uses alchemy and surgery to live forever.

This? This is Sam's last option ever. This is why he was insistent--to find a way for Dean to live for a while, if not forever. Some fans have speculated becoming a Vampire for the Winchester brothers but I doubt that they would take that route. Or some have said Sam embracing demonic powers and giving Dean demonic blood to live forever.

But again, doubtful. Dean says his life motto, or something like it, plainly here: "Black and white. Human or non-human. See, what the doc is, is a freaking monster. I can’t do it I’d rather go to hell."

So, no, that means no Vampire, no Demon blood, and certainly no zombie!doctor.

Observe Sam's obvious joy at finding the doctor's notes to be fully doable, and his obvious distress at finding out that Dean won't use it. The scene where they're finally burying the doctor shows the book tied on top of the refrigerator/coffin. Sam's face is near crying. His last trump card is gone.

Okay, I think that's enough plot reconstruction.


I have this special part here because I think the show? Is just riddled with tons and tons of foreshadowing. In case you don't know what foreshadowing is, it's a line, or a thing, or an event, that will usually mean something more later on in a storyline. Take for example episode 15. The (pretty) running guy with the heart-watch-meter thing. That watch (what is is called again?) showed the rate his heart was beating. By looking at that watch, we immediately know that his heart is going to get taken. Right? But that's not foreshadowing yet (and this is an obvious instance of it.) But the foreshadowing part is when the doctor takes out his heart, and his watch-heart-meter-thing goes ZERO, effectively telling us that his heart is now gone.

That's foreshadowing, an item or event or something that effectively drives a point home.

I said in a comment recently:

Also, I do think that what the Monster (i forgot what it's called) on 3.14 gives us IMPORTANT information--something called foreshadowing. It's a rule in writing that when you put out an element in a plot, it has to be used for a certain purpose. And the exorcism is REAL, they're not sure if it kills though. It seems highly unlikely that the exorcism would only be for Dean's scene in this episode. Also, this ep might hint at John's being out there--didn't he just dissolve last time in All Hell Breaks Loose? He got out of the gate--he's now a demon, inferring from what Ruby told Dean (all people who go to hell become demons, or something like it) so John could end up helping there. (I HOPE.)

Again, this is speculation on my part, but I do think that the Crocotta says something important to Dean: the exorcism. THINK ABOUT IT. The ending of episode 15 consisted of being bleak and hopeless, the only hope-inducing thing was finding Bela (which failed because they didn't get the Colt), Bela telling Dean that he might be able to kill the bitch (Lilith), and them knowing who holds the contract.

The information they now know is useless because they don't have a weapon to kill Lilith with. The Colt? In another country. Ruby's blade? Remember how DIFFICULT it was to kill that witch!demon in MM? They had to be 3 people to distract the demon and get Dean to finally kill her. Using the blade on Lilith, who can make things explode by just showing demonic eyes and her hand in an open palm position, won't work obviously.

So what CAN the boys use? The exorcism. That might work. I think its logical. I won't be surprised if that is used on Lilith to either kill/exorcise her this finale (which i doubt) or until Season 4.

About John, that comment received a reply saying that John didn't become a demon because that took centuries, and that he probably just went into the "light." I sort of agree, maybe, or maybe not, because we don't really know the mechanics of becoming a demon in the SPN universe. Some part of me believes that he did go to the light, but a part of me believes that he's still there (but i feel this has only a 5% chance of happening. Or lower) just trying to help the boys. But I might be VERY wrong here.

Now, remember the herb on Bela's door? Keeps Hellhounds away. I think they're going to use it. I think so, really. For obvious reasons.

Also, the hunter-who-is-cranky-who-seems-psychic. I don't know if he's really psychic, or really stealthy, but it seems like he knows a whole lot about the boys. I'm interested in knowing what he knows suddenly. BUT FORESHADOW: He said something about their kind having no happy endings. This could be a foreshadow for this Season, IDK. Like, S3 ends with everything bleak, and sad, with the smallest barest of hopes.

Finally, Dean's line: "Black and white. Human or non-human. See, what the doc is, is a freaking monster. I can’t do it I’d rather go to hell." (stolen from missyjack)
He might be going to the Pit after all. :(

Sam and his Demonic Prowess. Dean and his real role in the war.

frostian says something about one of the Winchester brothers not being a Winchester. More on that, but let me explore the possibility of Sam being the not!Winchester.

I said:

Of course, while I don't really entirely agree with Dean being adopted, I do think it has some semblance of probability. Dean could be adopted, but does John know?

Or it could be that Sam's not really the real Winchester. Why? I think it's because Mary knew who Azazel was, and it's highly probable that Azazel is Sam's father. I know it's a little blurry if I point it out like this, but see it this way:

Why would demon "blood" (actually, the blood used is the possessed human's blood, not REAL demonic blood) render a human with Supernatural powers--it doesn't make sense, because even in myth, one would have to be half-god or half-demon to be a human with the Supernatural powers (I'm referring to Greek mythology and such :D)

Azazel could've been a former flame of Mary's (i think she was the only one he took extra attention to killing her family members, friends and people who knew her), or perhaps raped her once (very incubus-y), or did some demonic mumbo-jumbo and got her pregnant!

So if Azazel is Sam's father through Mary W., then the blood would have only acted as a trigger to make Sam's power accessible to Sam.

But I do think that Sam's power is just dormant--when (I HOPE NOT I WILL CRY DAMNIT!) Dean goes, I get the gut feeling he might use his powers to go and off Lilith--or at least he'll manifest his powers again and Bobby will try to appeal to his humanity by using Dean's memory. :(

frostian replied:

I read something in SPN: Origins comics (big waste of time and money) and there were few interesting tidbits: the reason John took off right after his wife's death and Mary's seduction of John.

John left with the kids because he came home one day and found a warning scribbled on the wall in blood - it said "We are coming for the children". So, both Dean and Sam were targets. Then, there was Mary seducing John in 1977 (way too early to result in either boys) and it felt like a Wild Hunt. She deliberately drew him into a certain part of the woods, and there was a hellhound watching while they coupled, so your idea of Azazel being Sam's father could very well be true. He could've possessed John off an on, resulting in Sam.

So, I'm not the only one who thinks Azazel is the father of Sam. But I think I might re-do what I'm saying here. Azazel isn't Sam's father, but perhaps Lucifer's. Why? It's mentioned that Azazel was planning to organize the Supernatural war to end all wars--the apocalypse, making Sammy our AntiChrist. Speculation, but: What if Azazel only organized the troops, what if he was second in command to Lucifer, right? He never mentioned anything of the sort, I know, but Azazel kept saying "my plan" and it was almost like he was Lucifer himself, until Ruby affirmed Lucifer's existence when he told Dean that there was no way out.

It could be that YED (Azazel) was tasked to command and carry out the plan for the Anti Christ. Which would explain the human-posessed-by-a-demon blood swallowing that could result in Supernatural powers for the Special Children. Azazel might not have given his own seed, but Lucifer's to these children. Or Sam could be a special case, Lucifer's son and Azazel's blood acting as trigger to a power strong enough to render him Boy King. Which means he can kick YED's butt and everyone else's if he wanted to.

Which brings me to my next point.

Sam was the only option left, and the only option, apparently (all the other children were back-ups, the way the plot unfolded) with events centering on Sam and Dean and The Winchester Brothers. Because Sam refused the leadership, the released demons are in chaos, all fighting for the highest position. This is where Lilith comes in. Obviously she hold a high position in Hell, and decided to step up.

Why would Lilith want to have Sam killed? Why send another lesser demon to kill Sam? Simple: she's afraid of him. She knows she can take him down if he's not using his demonic powers, and she's sure that he isn't, because we all know it's dormant. In there somewhere, but Sammy ain't using it. But if he does use it, Sam is a big threat to Lilith.

Sam killing Gordon? That was obviously a supernatural power. No human can decapitate with their hands, ALONE. No matter how strong, especially Sam. That was Sam, unknowingly using his power, in the smallest amount (because it's untapped power--he refused to use it when he figured out what his powers meant). If that's the smallest amount, imagine him in tune with it--worse than Ava or Gordon or anyone else.

But there is a way to unlock the power. Sam only uses, or manifests these abilities when one or all of these three things happen:

a. When Dean is in danger. (TELEKINESIS!)
b. When he is in danger. (GORDON!)
c. When something or someone else he cares for is in danger. (I can't remember any right now.)

This is a good and bad thing. Bad because these are the only things needed to manipulate Sam into killing everything (remember Mystery Spot? Sammy is ruthless there.) Good because this is his hold onto humanity.

Which is why she wants him gone. And why she wants Dean's soul. But it doesn't make sense to have Sam live for Dean's soul, when she could've had him dead and Dean alive instead, right?

Which is why I make the speculation that Dean has something important to bring to the table. Remember, Origins said: We are after the children. Dean means something more than the older kickass brother. HE MEANS SOMETHING TO THE WAR.

Dean and Sam. Sam and Dean.

The war is centered on these two. What they do is central to how the war will progress. But one thing is for sure, those demons want them, to control them--stop them from doing the good things, or use their hidden powers (?)


This is still under the Sam Dean Dean Sam thing.

So, the demons have the upper hand now. They have Sam's weakness, Dean. And Dean's weakness, Sammy, can be pressured into doing the things Dean don't want Sam to do if they do something to Dean.

If you've seen the pictures for 3.16, Ruby is threatening/being a bitch to Sam. Why?

I thought she was on their side?

Maybe. Some have speculated her being Lilith, but I highly doubt it. Let's explore that side though: Lilith may have reposessed the body Ruby's using and posed as Ruby, then trapped Sam.

Or! Lilith may have pressured/convinced Ruby to be on her side than Sam's.

But that would make Ruby a liar, and demonic (because of a lack of values, according to Ruby herself.) and destroy the whole "I remember my humanity" thing. So I think she may have been pressuring Sam, by threatening Dean, to use his powers and FINALLY defeat Lilith. Because if Sam defeats Lilith, then HE WINS and LILITH no longer holds THE CONTRACT. YAY.

But then again, this is pure speculation on my part. I have more, and a recap of 3.15 later. :) Comment, react, disprove, and so on! I'd appreciate it. :)

In other strange observations:

Higher demons have lighter eye colors.
The girl who gave Bela her deal was not the Crossroads Demon. Red eyes, black eyes. There's a difference.
If/When Sam becomes boy KING, what color will his eyes be? Green? Red? Yellow? Yellow Green? Orange? :O
Poor Bela. :(

random, supernatural, dean, omg omg omg, sam, fandom

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