LEt Summer Begin..... im finally home--

Jul 09, 2005 15:54

holy crap.. what a crazy trip.
im fianlly back from my "euro trip" and it was flippin' nuts. i met so many amazing people and im so fortunate to have been able to share that experiance with them. For those of you who dont know, we started our travels in Spain then made our way to France and ended in Italy.

I'm in the midst of making a movie of the trip so when its finished i'll try to find someway to post it on the internet. Or i'll show u the DVD personally. if not i'll post as many pictures as i can on here.

To all my friends: i missed u all so much and im so happy to be home to party it up with all of you.. bring on the concerts, boats, marshbank, trees, and sleep.

To all of my new friendships: I will never forget the past 3 weeks we spent together. it was truly an undescibable experiance and i know that you feel the same. please call me to hang out because i'd love to spend time with u again.

peace and love to all of u and around the world.
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