Aug 16, 2004 09:25
Well my weekend.. I went up to the boat in port huron on saturday and brought the gma up there.. and saw family and shit.. spent the night on the boat.. we rented movies.. spent some quality time with the family.. lalala ! Then Sunday we chilled.. did the same thing.. brought my other gma and cousin, trisha up there.. sat around.. whatever.. went to lunch.. just relaxed..
It's hard for me to relax tho when I have so much on my mind. I feel like crying. I hate being torn between my mom and dad. In my heart I know what I want. I want to be with my mom and my dad and I don't want them to compete for me. I love them both so so much. I am going to my dad's tomorrow morning... I won't be able to go online, or update my journal or talk on the phone or leave the house.. because they are mean down there.. so it should be a week in hell.. and truthfully I would LOVE to stay home.. I don't wanna go. But what am I supposed to do?..
An today... Amy wants me to take her school shopping but I can't because I have to pack and shit like that.. I mean I want to see her.. but.. AHH it's so confusing...!! I don't know what to do. I need a ciggarette so bad. I'm gonna cry!
As for my friends, like I have a great time with them.. one night.. but then the next day it's like they don't even know me.. I hate having to compete to hang out with someone. for instince.. I wanna hang out with person a. so i ask them and they say ok. but then as the night progresses. person b. throws themselves at person a. and asks to hang out that night and then the next day. and person a. is down for whatever.. so then there's me .. like.. when are YOU gonna have time for ME.. if you can make time for someone else every single day..then why don't you ever call me.. ??? you say ur gonna hang out with me and then u end up hanging out with someone else. I don't understand. I have so much to say but I can't find the words!
whatever .. advice tip #1 from Liz: LIFE GOES ON!
While I am at my dad's house.. please please please I cannot beg you enough .. fucking call me omg.. cuz I do not wanna sit there with sue all day long.. nothing to do and no one to talk to!.. The cell phone number is 810*580*9344 so write it down.. you can im me on aim lizziescelly.. and i will talk to you.. =) thannkkkzzz!!!
okay, I am gonna go sit an be confused! holla atcha ina week
I love you guys and I am gonna miss you like woah!! u know who u are