From " Well, my lawyers have just received a notice from the legal representation for Penny Arcade. Turns out they've filed for the "rights in perpetuity to any and all humorous comic interpretations and/or situations arising or inferred from the electronic entertainment industry and/or the products thereof."
Basically translated from "lawyerese", this means that from here on out, Penny Arcade will be the only licensed purveyor of video game humor.
Obviously this comes as quite a blow to Ctrl+Alt+Del, as we here have made our living based off of poking fun at electronic media in all of its forms. Unfortunately the law is the law, and even us independant webcomic artists have to follow it."
*twitch...twitch twitch twitch...*
How, irritating!!! Now...I love Penny Arcade to death...but honestly Ctrl+Alt+Del made me laugh more than Penny Arcade ever did...and even if Penny Arcade is 'better' does it really have a right to be the 'only liscenced purveyor of gaming humor'? I'm quite sure they aren't the first people who thought up video game humor...
But, anyway...
If any of you that go to school with me wonder why I'm not there, I got some evil stomach virus-flu thing...aand was not really capable of GOING to school...for details you would rather not want to here. So...if i'm not there tomorrow..I probably won't be there til Monday.
And...uh...yeah..not like anyone reads this anyway, lol