friends cut~

Sep 17, 2008 17:07

It seems like everyone's doing a friend cut these days ://

but um, over the last few days i've realized that i haveso many friends that i don't talk to, or we just don't click, or i'm in communities that i don't really care about and everything that is written in those comms are spam, so i'm going to get out of all those communities and... yeah. Plus, when i first came on lj i just added people randomly, and then i never commented because, i really didn't know what it meant to have an lj friend. So, yeah.

So i've changed, and maybe i've become kind of annoying to some of you, so if you don't like me and i haven't de-friended you, then feel free to do so now :) I won't cry and eat tubs of ice cream for days, i promise.

and... if you think that i made a mistake in defriending you (i mistook you for someone else, etc) then comment? 
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omg PS. sorry for the spam. D: 
i shall make this less spammy by giving you a picture of donghae.
feast your eyesss.

friends cut

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