Reality Shifted Application

Jan 13, 2009 21:09

Player Name: Jane
Email and/or AIM: AIM: GingerHustler
Timezone: GMT

Character: Astrid Peth
Series/Fandom: Doctor Who - Voyage of the Damned
Deviance: Canon from VotD used up until Astrid was about to teleport down to Deck 31 to go and help the Doctor. But with the ship's systems as destroyed as they were, the teleport malfunctioned and locked onto the last location she'd been sent to, the system remembered her molecules and sent her down to Earth instead of deck 31.

Age: Appears mid-twenties in canon, so I'll go with 26. (hush, Kylie is NOT 40)
Gender: Female
Species: Sto Citizen (Humanoid but actual race unconfirmed in canon, I play her as having human biology.)

Canon Used: VotD, the accompanying Confidential on the special, S4 events that affected Earth, the Earth that Astrid has been living on.

Appearance: Blonde, blue eyes, petite (UK size 6), 5'0¼" the ¼'s important, 'kay. Astrid as she appears now, Astrid in canon.


Astrid is a dreamer, for too long she's been stuck on Sto, working a dead-end job as a waitress at the space port diner. For all that time she dreamt of the stars and new horizons, being able to travel the universe and seek out new and exciting things, but it was only ever a pipe dream. She didn't have the resources to do anything nearly so exciting. When the opportunity for a position on board the RMS Titanic came along, she jumped at the chance, even if she would only ever stay on board and not get the opportunity for shore leave. It was the closest she would ever get to realising her dreams.

Until she met the Doctor, who offered her everything. He sparked that burning itch for adventure and new horizons and presented it as a possible reality. Smitten by his energy, verve, confidence, looks (well just about everything really), Astrid doesn't just accept the Doctor's vague offer, she pushes for it, actually asking if she can come with him. When he says yes, the sheer joy and elation that replaces her worried desperate breath held moment is further evidence that she's very emotional and ignited by new and exciting things, but conversely this emotion is perhaps her biggest fault. She's very empathetic and is very effected by events around her.

Astrid is a little naive but bursting with raw enthusiasm for everything new. Her boundless energy when faced with the reality of being on an alien planet, far outweighs anyone else that has beamed down to Earth with them, literally marveling at everything, from the concrete, to the shops, to the smell of the place. She's the tiniest bundle of energy, and doesn't think twice about embracing the Doctor in an excited hug after bouncing and spinning at the sheer excitement of it all.

She is at her core, lonely though and frustrated. With no family back on Sto and nothing worth staying for, we are, as the audience are left with the impression that there has never been a special someone, and that she is perhaps something of a loner, feeling that she never belonged on Sto or fitted in to the mould she was tied to. Always wanting more. I've expanded on canon to explain the back-story of this and other aspects of her psychology. Her parents died when she was a child, and she never accepted their death. A childhood spent in constant hope that they would come back, the naive dreams of a girl too young to live with it. So she dreamt, she took her mind away from the reality, and lived in a place that didn't exist. Far away, more to life than this.

She's confident in social situations, always a bright smile for anyone that shows warmth and sincerity, and she certainly knows what she wants and isn't afraid to throw down the gauntlet and just do it. She doesn't hesitate to tell him that she'd like to see him in the mornings, nor does she hesitate to kiss him energetically before he leaves to go and investigate deck 31, leaving the rest of them to get to the main deck.

She's determined in anything she does. She is pure and giving, instinctively a carer, and highly strung when faced with cold hearted-ness or selfish people. She was brave enough to challenge Rickston Slade's heartless comments and had a great deal of both empathy and sympathy for the tragic loss of lives on board the Titanic. She's intelligent and quick witted, and slips into an emotional support role effortlessly.

She's a risk taker too, and easily convinced to break the rules if it's for a 'worthy' cause. She doesn't report the Doctor for being a stowaway, instead offers to get him a drink, and is quite taken with his bare faced admittal. Also when he suggests she cheats the shore leave and takes a trip down to Earth, despite saying 'she'll get the sack', she's there in a flash and happy to take the risk.

One characteristic that truly stands out though is her bravery. In the dramatic climax, she gladly sacrifices her own life for both the Doctor and the 6 million lives on the planet Earth beneath her.(although in Astrid's Reality Shifted canon - this never happened).

Other Skills/Abilities:

Astrid has no special abilities, beyond making a mean Latte, being able to carry a tray full of champagne flutes through a crowded party and balancing 3 plates up each arm. xD Oh and she can sing exceptionally well too (this is complete and utter improvisation on my part - but having Kylie as her PB is just too tempting).

Other Weaknesses:

She's pint-sized. Pick a fight with her and you'll probably win.


Most of Astrid's past pre-VotD is mun fudging as one episode of canon is nothing, and not much of her past beyond her dreams and job is mentioned, so I'm taking canon clues and fitting in history around it. She was born and lived on the planet Sto for nearly all her life. Astrid's parents died in an accident when she was about seven, and she grew up in care, this limited her educational options. Any further education on Sto is privately paid for, so at 16, she had to get a job, and make her own way in life. Which she did, working in catering, and has muddled through on relatively low wages all her adult life. But tips come in very handy, and Astrid was good at her job, always a bright smile and helpful, so the tips weren't scarce.

She's done various waitressing jobs, barista-ing etc, and her last few years before working onboard the Titanic were spent working at the Space-Port Diner. Which, when you dream of another world, a whole universe to explore, watching the ships leave on a daily basis, makes that dream seem so much more palpable. She saved relentlessly, always hoping that one day she'd have enough to make her dreams reality.

I think her childhood spent in care, although not traumatic by any stretch of the imagination, led her to be a bit of a loner. No ties, only herself to think of, and a determination to make something of her life. Also the way she so easily fell in love with the Doctor, belies a strong need to be loved by someone who shares her outlook on life. As previously mentioned in the psychology section, her parents' deaths have contributed to her inability to accept death readily as a part of life.

She took the job on Max Capricorn Cruiseliners as a way out of the mundanity of it all, escape to the stars, even without the option of shore-leave, she'd still get to travel and see the stars.

Then events on-board the Titanic occured, and Astrid found herself stranded on Earth, in a deserted London. With no way of getting back, or contacting the Doctor she watched as the Titanic lifted back into the air at the last moment and didn't crash into Buckingham Palace. Whatever happened on-board after she left, the Doctor clearly saved the day, and she knows he's alive out there somewhere. It can be presumed that he thinks her to be dead. She teleported and was never seen again, one less life form on board.

Fic here, for the immediate events after she teleported down to Earth.

The first few nights were relatively simple, a major capital city that is all but empty, due to past Christmas's in London, and it's not too hard to find a bed for the night, some clothes and a bit of cash. Needs must, and breaking and entering isn't such a big deal when you're in a deserted city and in desperate need of some way of managing. And writing this has so inspired me to go and write fic about her first few days at some point now! I can just see her standing there, deliberating on the morality of it -- then just thinking 'sod it *breaks glass*'.

After that, London started to re-populate, and with watching the news, she was clued in to it all. She'd pretty much sorted herself with enough money to get by, and pay for rent on a flat. Just for now, just until the Doctor came and found her, or she found him. But days passed, then weeks. She managed to get a job working cash-in-hand, working nights at a restaurant, where the owner didn't ask for ID or an NI number, whatever that was, and the number she'd attempted to give at a previous interview clearly hadn't been what they were looking for, and after that she was clued into the whole 'illegal immigrant' aspect, she had no visa, no nothing. So she wangled a job where no questions were asked, and it barely provides her with enough to get by, but she manages.

When she arrives at the Plane, she's been in London for just over a year now. She spends her days researching the Doctor, trying to follow up on news snippets she's seen that might relate to anything 'alien' related, but to no avail, and her resources are understandably limited. She was so close to finding him during the events of 'Sontaran Stratagem' and 'The Poison Sky', having followed the news about the ATMOS systems, but it all happened too quickly and by the time she'd got to the ATMOS factory, all that was left was UNIT, and they denied any existence of anyone called the Doctor.

Reality Description:

It's January 2009 in London for Astrid, on the Tenth Doctor's Earth. It's pretty much modern day earth as we all know it, except for the knowledge that there is life out there, and it's usually hostile. London is abandoned at Christmas time every year, for fear of alien invasion, with its inhabitants fleeing the disaster prone capital for quieter pastures where the risk is less. The Christmas just past was actually uneventful, but it's the first in years. History in Astrid's reality has an odd way of rewriting itself, due to the Doctor's events in the past and present affecting timelines. Talk of aliens is pretty much a common theme now, and Astrid is especially vigilant with not telling people she's from another planet. To any of her colleagues and friends, she's human and from Earth, which has given most people the idea that she's a bit stupid. Pop culture references and commonly known historical events passing her by usually, not to mention a whole host of customs, objects etc, that she sometimes has just never heard of. She now says she's from a remote town in the outback of Australia, after someone asked if she was, and she gets away with all sorts for it. The current climate is so alien paranoid, that it's just not worth the risk, if only she knew about Torchwood (the organisaton that watches a rift in time and space in Cardiff) and exactly what UNIT (Unified Intelligence Taskforce) were other than military, she might be more willing to give up any information as it could bring her search for the Doctor to an end.

In the past year alone, there have been three huge alien related events. There was an incident revolving around Adipose Industries, a manufacturer of weight loss drugs, that resulted in tiny alien babies made from human fat marching the streets of London to go back to their ship. Then came the ATMOS sat nav system for cars that also reduced carbon dioxide emissions to zero. 400 million cars worldwide started to emit poisonous gas simultaneously just days after fifty two people had died globally at the exact same moment, all in their ATMOS fitted cars. The poisonous gases that filled the earth's atmosphere were ignited, and the flames in the sky swept across the entire globe, clearing the atmosphere in a terrifying spectacle. And the last event, being the Dalek Invasion of 'The Stolen Earth', where Astrid hid away in the basement of her apartment building for the duration, along with other tenants. The entire planet had been displaced, taken from its location in this solar system, along with 26 other planets. And then the Daleks came, subjugating Earth and exterminating anyone that crossed their paths. Earth was in chaos, looting, riots, buildings set alight, people slaughtered in the streets by the Daleks. Astrid knew the Doctor would be out there somewhere, but it was just too dangerous to venture out. And then the Daleks were gone, and Earth was returned to its rightful place, but not time. London is a mess, and the clear-up operation is still going on.

First Person Speaking Sample:

[Astrid steps out onto the plane, for all her excitement and wide-eyed wonder at her discovery, there's a sense of reticence to her movements initially. She's caught been absolute fascination and an inherent fear that this can't be good news. She's witnessed too much on Earth for this to bode well. The most recent event of her reality being Dalek's subjugating Earth and the entire planet being displaced and returned. But it's so beautiful, and surely something as amazing as this has to be something wonderful. Surely something like this, has to be something the Doctor's aware of. Maybe, just maybe, she's one step closer to finding him.]

Oh my Vot! This is... this is amazing! [She gasps, her eyes sparkling and her smile broadening at the sight before her.]

It's so beautiful. [She's spinning on her heels now, whirling around in excited enthusiasm, looking around and upwards, taking it all in. If it's dangerous, then its beauty is blinding any thoughts of that.]

This is definitely not Earth anymore, at least not the Earth I know. [She almost squeals in delight, before her thoughts are dragged down to more pressing issues.]

Wait! There's no Daleks are there? I thought we'd heard the last of them. Please tell me there are no Daleks here. There can't be, nowhere this beautiful could harbour monsters like that. What is this place? I love it! [And she's bouncing again, literally bouncing.]

I have to find him here! There's no way he won't know somewhere like this exists. Oh my Vot! This is so exciting.

Third Person Writing Samples: Charity - Prompt, An AU ending to VotD.

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application, comm: reality shifted, verse: reality shifted

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