i feel icky. and i dont like it. i recieved a call from ben (ethan's roomie), and he asked me if i could go shopping with him, to pick out a christmas present for his girlfriend, riki. so, we took an adventure with zak to the mall. and, we went to hot topic and pac sun, with no luck in finding jewelry. then we ventured into afterthoughts, where we found a nice hemp bracelet and a puka star shaped hemp necklace. so, i went with him to pay, and there was this little bucket of plastic rings. well, ben was looking at them, and the cashier said that it was two for $5. ben was looking through them, and decided to not get them. but then, he told me he was going to steal them. and he asked me to come help him pick some out. so, i got stuck looking through the ring bucket, while he ended up ganking two of them. im not very happy with this, and it shook me up. i dont steal. i never have, and i never will. if i dont have the money, i dont buy it. if i think it is a waste of money, i dont buy it. but, not all people are like me. and now, i feel like i did something wrong. this feeling sucks...
Birthday Bear
You are the partier of the bunch! No matter what's going on, you can find a reason to throw a big bash. You're extremely outgoing and love to show others how to have a good time.
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