Jan 23, 2006 01:02
so eeeeeyah... thanks to everyone who responded to my last post (with the exception of the loser that inspired said post)
this just proves that live journal is, indeed, a source of much entertainment, partially because of and partially in spite of the drama.
i would especially like to thank the anonymous poster that said "So like, this one time, there was this moron flaming zuko's journal about her and Cheryl, and I was just like, heh heh, silly faggot..." you made me giggle. \m/ rock on
The hair is once again ka-raze-eeee, and i adore it. Last night i saw writhen at the riverwest commons play their most intense show EVER. it was awesome. jon and dave asked me to take pics again and i got some really decent ones, especially of Henry. his hair was flying all over. i suppose the copious amounts of beer helped my eye somehow, but it was great.
-=big grin=- took dorothy to the show. i am most smitten!
that's about all the detail you're getting on THAT.
need to get ahold of dave and jon to get adam over there sometime next week because this week is booked pretty solid.
mon: tim's comming over
tues: grabbing aaron
wed: dad's comming over
thrus & fri: kidnapping gunther
sat: 9 mm solution
sun: free
mon: hopefully finally getting adam over to the bloodstained attic on the east side.
so if anybody wants to steal my recuperation time on sunday, go for it. or else i'll prolly end up at node or my parents. during the day time i'm job hunting though, so yeah. dot dot dot.
picked up a potential roommate. Name's becky. she's atleast spending the next week over. she's a sweetheart and i've known her for a few months. at any rate, she has a job and she picks up without even being asked (which shocked the hell out of me, believe me) and is actually NICE. and she also wants to go on the lease in april if we get approved... which means i'll be able to keep my apartment! yay!
i need to get the orange princess the cigarettes i owe her sometime in the next day or two. she did an amazing job on my hair! i totally love the hell out of it! (and so does dorothy. /blush)
oh yeah, and my internet's down at the moment so i have to go to node to get online, so don't freak out if i'm not on for a while. i promise that i'm still alive! the best way to get ahold of me is to drop me a myspace message. the second best way to get ahold of me is to leave a live journal comment.
I miss stumpy so my exiting remark shall be.......
"peace love and hair grease"