Jul 08, 2010 00:02
- 00:03 @ AVBenedetto 34 #
- 00:04 @ iamnotvoldemort Is Cedric Diggory still trending? #
- 00:11 @ magicalnathan 18? #
- 00:14 Okay, because everyone else is doing it- GUESS MY AGE. :3 No using Facebook. <3 #
- 00:15 @ cjloser Yes ma'am, but I'm gonna let the other peeps who follow me keep guessing #
- 00:28 @ cjloser Remind me next time we hangout that I need to bring your book back. I still have Masquerade #
- 00:29 @ iTechnicolor My room. o3o Lemme get the laptopppp. #
- 00:31 @ iTechnicolor Kay. XD What d'you need? #
- 00:33 @ iTechnicolor I don't really know. XD Ask everybody else? #
- 00:36 @ iTechnicolor Up to you. XD #
- 15:53 @ AVBenedetto Fuck off, I like Firefox. <3 #
- 16:18 Good thing: I got Umineko Ep 6 downloaded for whenever the english patch is ready! Bad thing: I didn't get my book today. :( #
- 18:15 @ iTechnicolor ...that's taking the phrase "Wash your mouth out with soap" a bit too far #
- 18:16 @ iTechnicolor What the fuck. owo;; #
- 18:19 @ iTechnicolor Yeaaah. XDD #
- 18:26 @ JJDaco I don't eat soap, kthx. :P #
- 19:37 What the fuck, Twitter. XD Why is Psychic Octopus a trending topic? #
- 23:29 @ RoySalad You just have to pay to get your looks back in order after the genderbend. XD #
- 23:49 @ no381 An epically stupid shithead. owo #
- 23:52 @ no381 I agree with what Shu said, though. xDD FIND IT, 300 BUCKS IS A LOT. #
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