(no subject)

Mar 29, 2005 23:37

Ok so before I forget...when Brett and I were driving to SB there was this guy at this one gas station and he had the typical cardboard sign asking for money, except what it actually said was a bit unusual. It said: "Homeless and ugly" and then asked for money. Bahahaha.

SO we are getting ready for the "drinkin, smokin, straight west coastin'" part-ay!!! It will be a blast....next weekend woot woot. I stole a work shirt from the DLG so I will be sporting that....weeeeee.

I went to the new gym tonight...it was intense...for me haha. I am going to go to the gym tomorrow night, too! I am gonna be buff buff buff. Well I don't want to be buff buff buff...but rather....I dunno...in shape?

Editors note: ok so re-read the entry and I wasn't laughing because the guy was actually homeless AND ugly....i am guessing he was trying to make light of his situation too....
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