Mar 01, 2005 15:53
So I think I have pink eye. That's sexual.
In other news...I got my ears pierced! So now I have two holes on each side on the lobe part.
I feel like since I turned in that whore of a paper for art history that I have all this free time...excpet for the fact that finals are like 2 weeks away. Oh well, I am going to give myself today for sure ot just relax!!
Funny thing happened in art history discussion that had me laughing to myself. So in the beginning of discussion we always have to turn in a summary of the readings for that week. Since I had been working on my paper all last night I didn't have time to do one. So as usual she asks for the papers...and at the same time apparently starts to pass this paper for everyone to take one. So the guy closer to the TA turns to me and has papers in his hand. I *thought* he was holding his summary and was just waiting for me to hand him the summarys as they were coming up (which weren't to me yet). So I just look at him. And he looks at me. And I look at him. And he looks at me. All the while he is holding the papers. I was like, hello! I didnt do my summary. Finally he just hands the papers to the person sitting across from him. It was then that I realized that he wasnt waiting for my summary but was rather wanting to hand me the papers she was passing out to everyone. It may not sound that funny...but put yourself in his shoes. You are handed papers to hand to the person next to you. You turn to them and extend your arm with the papers in your hand. They just look at you, refusing to take them. And you guys jsut look at each other for a while and the perosn refuses to take them. Hahah I found it amusing.
Don't you think there should be a mood icon for grood? I think so.
HAPPY DAY!: Today I officially set up my schedual for next quarter and I don't have classes on Friday! Woot woot! SO excited. Steph doesn't have Friday classes either. We are gonna go to the beach all the time! Well...I ahven't told her this yet, but she'll find out sooner or later.