Welcome back to the Bequest Legacy! The picture above gives a little bit away but you guys deserve it for your awesome comments! On with the show!
Sunset Valley is so beautiful in the winter :D okay.. okay... let's get started
Zinneah: Now that you're a teenager there's a few things we need to talk about
Zinneah: You do know what woohoo is right?
Kira: Yes mum, we have woohoo education class in school
Zinneah: Please don't get pregnant, not until you're at least eighteen
Kira: Pregnant? Mum I can't believe you're talking to me about this
Zinneah: I need to make sure though, don't want my baby girl a young mother
Zinneah: I want to look out for you
Kira: Well first of all mum, I'm not sure if I ever want to hear the pitter patter of little feet in the house and secondly I don't even know any guys
Kira: Why would I want the responsibility of having a child to take care of?
Kira: I mean can you imagine me with a kid?
Kira: Don't worry mum, you have absolutely nothing to worry about
Zinneah: I'm glad to hear that, but I bet you will change your mind one day
Kira: I bet I wont
I wonder if this means Kira is out of the heir vote?
Riley: For the last time Jessie get out of the bathroom when I'm in here!
Jessie: Sorry, I'll go
Jessie promptly hugs Riley when he comes out of the bathroom
Jessie: I hope you're not mad at me Riley?
Riley: No of course not, just stay out of the bathroom okay?
Jessie: Okay
Riley: Let's go see if I can make that potion
Riley: Yes I made something!
Riley: It's the wrong something...
will he ever discover the right potion?
Just a little more...
Kira's getting good!
Riley: Yes this might be it!
Kira: Oh ah... hey guys.. can I talk to you mum?
Kira: Mum?
Kira: I ah.. want to talk to you
Kira: Seriously?
Kira: Mum I really want to ask you something!
Zinneah: Sorry Kira, what is it?
Kira: I need help, prom is coming up and I don't know what to wear
Kira: I'm completely clueless!
Zinneah: Calm down honey, I can definitely help you out
Zinneah: You aren't going with a boy are you?
Kira: No mum, I already told you that I don't even know any boys
Zinneah: What was that?
Riley: Ouch.... maybe I put a little too much....
Kira: So as I was saying...
Zinneah: Riley!
Zinneah: What the hell happened!?
Zinneah: Do I have to take that chemistry set away from you?
Riley: Please don't, it doesn't even hurt. I just miss calculated
Zinneah: That chemistry set looks dangerous, I bought it for you because I thought it was a kids toy
Zinneah: It's going to have to go
Riley: No please mum! It won't happen again I promise!
Zinneah: Alright, but if I see even one little burn on you, it's going
Kira: Guess what squirt, it's a snow day today
Riley: Oh yeah! Awesome!
Jessie: I'm going to catch you Riley!
Riley: No you're not!
Jessie: I caught you
Riley: Yeah, I kind of got sick of running... Did I just hear the school bus horn?
Riley: I thought today was a snow day?
Kira: I thought so too, but they must have changed their mind
Riley: Damn them!
When everyone had left the house Shawn did his usual thing, studied alchemy for a LTW he will probably never obtain
They arrived at the school and the door were locked shut
Kira: It really is a snow day!
Shawn: What are you doing home from school young lady?
Kira: It's a snow day dad
Shawn: Oh okay... carry on then
I guess when he thinks no one is home the maid brushes his teeth...
Kira: What is he doing?
Kira: You get paid to clean the house, not your teeth
Maid: I am sorry young miss, I will get back to cleaning straight away
Kira: Dad is this really what you do when were not home?
Shawn: Yep
Kira: No wonder you don't notice that the maid isn't doing anything...
Shawn: I am going to beat this level!
Jessie: Do you think you've almost got it?
Riley: Well I believe I am running out of potions to discover.. so I guess so
Zinneah: Everyone get home early today? I'm glad I can see some family bonding
Kira: Yeah it was a snow day, the bus showed up and we thought it had been cancelled, turns out the bus driver didn't even know
Jessie: you discovered it, didn't you?
Riley: No but I'm really really close!
Second half is HERE