Jan 03, 2011 02:53
This has been on my mind since last night. Persistent little bugger, ain't ya? My personal challenge is to write drabbles of Baralai connected to every character. Provide insight or suggestions on what you want to read. :3
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Baralai, Gandof
Rating: G
Warnings: mild spoilers
Summary: History lies before his very eyes.
Notes: A little back story on a theoretical possibility; what if Seymour sent his camera-shy vassal to pursue Yuna and her guardians? It could explain why Seymour seems to know exactly where they are...
Scar, The
Baralai spies on a traveling Summoner and her motley company atop a cliff outside Macalania.
His eyes sweep across kilometers of barren green and torn land through vintage binoculars, spotting a man-made landmark beyond long-winded hills. A huge rift, Spira’s battle scar upon Gandof’s victory, the second High Summoner to earn his title posthumous. Legend speaks of a man who brought down his iron fist, sealing Qactuars in stone beneath thunderous skies as punishment for torturing passers-by using callous mischief.
Defeating Sin was not the only thing Summoners could do to help Spira, so says ancient history.
Spira is a land of suffering and sorrow caught in a spiral of death, his mentor told him time and time again.
It’s my life to throw away-
Scars have stories nobody wants to tell, and death tends to be the common cure.
Don’t give up!
So why does his heart shout otherwise?
final fantasy x,