Jun 27, 2006 13:12
Well, I already wrote an entry telling you all that I'll have my baby on Thursday morning. I thought I'd never have him. I serisouly felt at times, that I was going to be pregnant forever, I just retarded like that sometimes I guess. But yeah, wow. Two more nights of not having anyone to worry about but myself, two more nights of, well, sleep when I can or want to sleep. I'm so huge at this point, that sometimes it more painful than it is helpful if that makes any scence at all.
When the ultrasound tech told me that he was 9lbs 1oz, I nearly shit my pants. really. She said that you could give or take a pound on that, so I could have a 10 pound child in my uterus right now, not cool. I'm glad I'm having a c-section. I'm not aftraid, I just want to see him, and hold him, and smell is baby smell, and kiss him, the list goes on. I know it's going to be hard, but I'm ready to do all I can for him that I can. There are so many things that I want for him to experience/learn in life, it's weird. Motherhoods going to be my thing, I can see that now. I'm gonna love it.
So I'll go in Thursday morning at like 5:30 in the morning, and they'll start all their jazz with my tummy at 7:10 and he should be here around 8ish I'm guessing. Brenda, (my aunt whose my doctors nurse) said that Dr. D usually lets the patient deciede when they're ready to go home, so I'm hoping to be home Saturday sometime. Ben and I are going to stay with Brenda (cause he has to work Sunday, and I'd like at least one day of help. lol.) So I'll be in Muhlenberg Saturday night and Sunday.
I guess that's all I got. I'll update again later when I can. Yes, I'll post pics.