Feb 23, 2005 19:32
hey everyone.
its been a little while i guess.
figured id update you.
this vacation has, luckily, been the longest vacation of my life *knocks on wood* it is soo nice. im loving every second of it. im gettin all my work done which is surprising.
i never thought that waiting for that one person would literally take so long. it will be worth it in the end. i just sorta hafta wait until "prince charming" comes around again. i just would liek to speed the process along cuz i have two life and death questions to ask him.. that makes it a little bit difficult. hmmm..
my new job is the best. i love it. the people are amazing, and its just so much fun. besides... i get to learn how to mix drinks in my down time :) hehe.
i absolutely cannot wait for saturday. there is a very big possibility that i may get to go down to braintree to visit my bestest buddy in the whole universe!!! of course im talkin bout kelli! :-D its gunna be a kick ass crazy time if i can go.. its just the weather that might be a problem.. *crosses fingers*
next week commences the big down hill slide for all seniors. well minus the little bump we hit for AP exams.. but after those it rapidly declines. its almost march my loves!!know what that means? only about THREE more months left! yay for getting outta high school.. but boo for all the people i will never ever see again. reunions will be a good time tho ;)
ohhhh!! i found my prom dress!! its a big relief. and i have a back up just in case. i love how i have like 50 backups in my life right now just in case. haha it kinda cracks me up a lil..
ok sorry for the pointless entry.. i have nothing to say but ramble on about different aspects of my life. my apologies to all.
What if it was paradise
What if we were symphonies
What if I gave all my life
To find some way to stand beside you