Jul 05, 2009 01:09
Psalms 33:12
"Blessed is the nation who's God is the LORD and the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance."
Dear Washington,
I consider it a great honor to call myself an American and to live in what I consider to be the greatest nation in the world. I am a flag waver, proud of my country and my heritage and I am thankful for the men and women who have served our armed forces to keep our nation free. To this day a chill runs down my spine and a lump clogs my throat when I hear our national anthem or songs written about our great country or say the pledge of allegiance to our flag. I believe my love for this country would rival any patriot and I also admire each of you that have chosen to represent your respective states and their best interest. I can only imagine the difficulty of making the right decisions concerning our great nation and I understand my responsibility to support you with my prayers. I think all of us would agree that our liberty, democracy and our freedom is not something we should take for granted nor is it something we should seek to redefine under the title of change. It is because of what I am seeing and hearing from Washington that I feel that I must write and express my concerns about our country and the decisions that are being made in our nations capital. I could say I have somewhat against thee, and you would continue with business as usual but in my opinion it is not me saying these words, it is the words of our LORD Jesus Christ through the church of Ephisis in Revelations 2:4. Now that the words are being spoken to the leadership in Washington and I think we better pay attention to His word.
As patriotic as I am there is only one other title that I hold dearer then that of American and that is Child of God. I am an American by birth and a child of God by rebirth and so my dependence is upon the one true God of heaven for my eternal life with Him and my life filled with abundance on this earth and I claim my independence as an American. From the God who provided our country's establishment over 200 year ago, because I am a Christian first and an American second I wish to express my inalienable right of free speech. To ask you, Washington, to reconsider some of the decisions you have made and will be making in the future. I am asking you to not make your decisions based on political party preferences but based on the word of God. This may seem impractical to you because we have become a national afraid of the God who has blessed us and defend all other religions and their gods for fear of offending someone. It is time for us to consider returning to the God who has given us this great country and to recognize His sovereignty over us. May I please explain.
David Bartin of Wall Builders Inc. reported a political science professor from the University of Huston reduced 15,000 writings from our father to 3,154. The three men most often quoted by our fathers were Montesquieu, Black Stone and John Locke. However, four times more then Montesquieu, twelve times more then Black Stone and sixteen more times then John Locke, our founding fathers quoted the word of God. The Bible was quoted directly 34% if the time. 60% if the quotes came from men who used the Bible to arrive at their conclusions and 94% of the quotes of our founding fathers were based on the scripture. The idea of the three branches of government came from Isaiah 33:22. "For the LORD is our judge; the LORD is our law-giver; the LORD is our King. He will save us." And tax exemptions for churches came from Isiah 7:24 "Also inform you that is should not be lawful to impose tax, tribute or custom on any of the priest, levites, singers, gate keepers, nephnim or servants of this house of God."
In 1796 in a supreme court case Wrunkle v. Winemiller the court ruled by our form of government the Christian religion is the established religion and all sects and denominations of Christians are placed upon the same equal footing. This was based on the first amendment of our constitution which says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise there of." You notice there is no mention of separation of church and state in our Constitution, although a majority of Americans believe there is. Where did that phrase come from?
In 1801 the Danburry Baptist Association in Connecticut heard a rumor that the congregationalist were about to become the denomination of America and sent a letter to Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson responded to their letter January 1, 1802 and said, "The first amendment has erected a wall of separation between church and state but it is a one directional wall. It is to keep the government from running the church, but make sure Christian principals always stay in the government." This letter was used by the supreme court in the 1870s 1880s and 1890s. When a challenge came before the court that Christianity did not belong in the government. The court used the words of Jefferson to protect the church from government until 1947 in Everson v Board of Education. It was then the court used only eight words from the letter and said, "The first amendment as erected a wall between church and state." The wall must be kept high and impregnable. It is my belief that these eight words have become the downfall of our nation. We have gone so far that one way that we are seeking to destroy Christianity in our country and Ladies and Gentlemen this must not happen.
There is no doubt our nation was built on Christian principals and we must return to them. We do not say that everyone has to read the Bible, say a prayer or go to an evangelical church, but know Washington that you cannot sensor me for what I believe just because someone else is made uncomfortable by the mention of the name of my God or Jesus Christ. Up until a few years ago people respected my right to assert my Christian beliefs and simply disregarded what I said, what I did or what I did not attend. Please Washington do not trample on my rights because I am an American who is a Christian, but how far have we gone.
On April 6, 2009 President Obama stood in the Muslim country of Turkey and said "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, or a Jewish nation, or a Muslim nation. We consider our self a nation of citizens who are bound by ideas and a set of values." To that I say yes Mr. President we are bound by a set of values and they are Christian values.
I must agree with Representative Randy Forms from Virginia who on the floor of the House repeated the quote from our President and asked, "When did we cease being a Christian nation?". I understand what you mean Mr. President, but in trying to make us except able in the eyes of the world, we are showing ourselves weak in the eyes of the terrorist nation. But if you will take the time to read the preamble to the Constitution of all 50 states you will discover that to every preamble to every constitution there is a mentioned of our God, Almighty God. I encourage you Mr. President to stand as the Christian you say you are and not be afraid to acknowledge the God profess to believe in. We may not act like a Christian nation, but we were founded on the principals of the Bible with sovereign God over us and we must return to Him.
But what is wrong, you might ask. Please Washington it is time rise up against a radical homosexual agenda and return our nation to our God given principals. Homosexuals do not deserve equal rights under the law just because of their sexual orientation. There life style is perverse and will destroy our society and our nation if we do not stop it. In Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot was asked by the men of the city to send out the angels who had come to rescue his family because the men of Sodom wanted to have them sexually. As we all known Sodom was destroyed and this is one of the main reasons. Homosexuality was condemned by God. In Leviticus 18:22 God said "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. " In Leviticus 20:13, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death ; their blood shall be upon them." It has been said that it is not spoken of in the New Testament but the Apostle Paul in Romans 1:27&28 said, "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another ; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient ;" The Apostle Paul also in 1 Corinthians 6:9, "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived : neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
Dear Washington this has been mentioned as an abomination against God and falls under God's judgment. This was always punished by death which proves that God did not create us this way because God does not create us to condemn us nor predestine us to condemnation. Psalms 139:14 says we are fearfully and wonderfully made by Almighty God. John 3:16 said, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish , but have everlasting life. "
Also it is time we returned to the book of our forefathers and declare that marriage is between one man and one woman and it is not up for debate, nor is it up for legislation. God said in Genesis 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." And to you Washington I say, God Bless Cary Pregie who stood in the Miss America contest and realized that by standing for her beliefs and saying that marriage is between man and woman was openly criticized and condemned by a homosexual blogger who said that she must represent all of the nation and that she had no right saying those things on television. Only to know that this same blogger has said that he has the right to free speech and has filed a lawsuit against one who slapped him for something that he said. Dear friend if he has the right to free speech Cary Pregie has the right to free speech and should not be judged because she believes differently then he does.
In Judah this year President Obama declared the entire month of June 2009 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender pride month. In doing so he stated that this LGBT movement is a factor in more Americans who ascribe to those groups, living their lives openly today then ever before. He goes on to say, I have joined efforts at the United Nations to decriminalize homosexuality around the world. Here at home I continue to support measures to bring the full spectrum of equal rights to the LGBT Americans.
While I agree with their freedom, I must say no Mr. President, this is not a lifestyle to be celebrated and applauded, this is an abomination that must be stopped. No Mr. President, this is not a time for equal rights, this is a time to do what is right and to stand for decency and tradition. We do not need legislation that will quite us we need to be bold men and women to speak up and to lead out and to put a stop to the abomination that is spreading through out our nation. No Washington, we do not need hate crime legislation to silence the few of us that must obey God and speak His truth. I understand you are trying to silence me with the threat of criminal action if I so much as speak negatively if I so much as speak negatively about homosexuality. May I remind you that as an American I still have my right to free speech and you cannot legislate that away from me without violating and trampling on our constitution. And the hate crimes law that is being pushed through our congress today would silence a church from speaking anything negatively about homosexuality and by doing so I could be held criminally responsible for what I said and be listed as a hate crime because I spoke against it. And I just got news for you my dear Church if that become the case then you just as will visit me in jail because I will not be silenced about the word of God.
Dear Washington we do not need to proclaim pornography free speech, but we need to stand up and get rid of pornography all across our land. Just the other day I got on YouTube, which is available to anyone just to see what I could find, and I found everything I cared to see. We do not need our children being faced with the temptation to be drawn themselves into the temptation that YouTube. We need to stop this and make sure that our country stands for what is right. We cannot let the pedifiles run free in our country, we need to protect our children, we need to protect our marriages, we need to protect our homes. We've got to protect our country and it can only be done when we stop advertising free speech and saying that pornography falls under it, it falls under the category of smut and needs to be done away with.
Dear Washington it is time for us to stop killing babies under the guys of reproductive rights for women. We do not need to provide funding world wide to kill babies. On the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade President Obama said, "We are reminded that this decision not only promotes woman's health and reproductive freedom but stands for a broader principal. That government should not interfere with our most private family matters." To that I must say, no Mr. President this is not reproductive freedom, it is the murder of at least one million babies every year. No Mr. President, this is not a private family matter but is a slaughter that for 36 years surpassing the numbers of the holocaust. You may say it is freedom but the babies are still dead and we must put a stop to it. Don't use my tax money to pay somebody to kill an unborn child, I do not believe in that.
Now Mr. President may I use your logic to address other issues. The government should not intrude on our most private family matter you say, well Washington, let us not intrude. Do not intrude in General Motors and in Chrysler and become the CEO of companies to advance the agenda of a few moneyed unions. We should not interfere and tell the people what kind of car they should buy, this is not what America is about. Do not intrude in our banking system, and nationalize our banks, because in the 1990s congressman Frank, congressman Dodd and senator Schumar said that there was nothing wrong leading money to people who could not pay it back. It took awhile but it finally caught up with us and now we can no longer run our financial institutions so our government must step in and do it for us. No Washington, this is not your place nor is it your job. Let us not intrude on making people use wind and solar power for energy. Let us not take away our coal for electricity and lose jobs in the process. If we want to do away with foreign oil then here's the solution. We need to start drilling in the Alaska regions of Anwar and we cannot be worried about the prescient conditions of the ice or the trees or the animals. We need to drill in our oceans and not be concerned about the pristine conditions of the waters and the animals that are in there. We need to begin drilling in our own country, in the Dakota's in the state Texas and all around the United States because we have the oil to let this country run on oil for years to come but we have got to get our country to lay aside these special interest groups and go drill for that oil.
We cannot regulate the oil industry and allow activist groups to not let us get to that. We are not destroying our earth with global warming no matter what is said and we do not need to regulate all the admissions from our production plants. God gave us demenon over the earth and I believe that with all of my heart we must take care of this earth, but may I remind you Washington that God is in total control of this earth because He made this earth, He controls this earth and this earth will return back to Him and during that period of time this earth will right itself. We are not burning up, we are not freezing, my dear friend God has this world in His hands.
Washington let us not interfere in spreading our wealth. One reason for our country is for people to make their way and when they fail they start again. Capitalism has always worked and always will. Do not tax us more and more just to provide for those who will not work. I have no problem helping our elderly I have no problem in helping our disabled but I also remember what the Bible says in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work , neither should he eat." And I believe with all of my heart that if someone wants to draw from our government and take that money away from our welfare recipients or those on medicare or those who are not able to work, that is wrong and we do not need to pay them.
We cannot pay our way into a better economy and then expect our children and grandchildren to pay it back through higher taxes. We did this once in the 70s and we do not need to do this again. May I remind you what Abraham Lincoln said. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more the you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence. You cannot help mankind by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.
Please do not continue welfare spending. All ready Washington you have increased our welfare spending in this year and next 300 billions dollars and within the next decade our welfare spending will rise to over 10 trillion dollars. We must stop spending our money on people who are not citizens and help those have toiled and struggled and worked in our country. The more money we print the worse our state of affairs becomes because there will never be enough. Do not tax our capital gains and redistribute our money from people who have worked hard and earn their money just because someone doesn't work and it isn't fair. As of our now our money is worthless and we belong to China. No Washington let us have a private sector, do not tax us to death and then regulate us to the point of bankruptcy. We do not want socialism. Do not make our energy companies pay for cap and trade on oil and coal. Let us work and fail and work again. Let us not intrude in health care and establish socialize medicine. We already have indigent health care in place and a government co-op will not be the answer. We do not want our government taking from our senior citizens just to pay for someone who will not try to work or those who are illegally in our country. If we had stopped paying for illegal allien health care there would be enough money for all of us and the government does not need to belong in the insurance business. This would drive the insurance companies our of business and losing jobs and monopolizing the industry which you say you are trying to prevent. Senior citizens should not have to except their condition as an older person but be treated for with out being told by the government for what they can or cannot have in the way of treatment.
Please Washington, let us not defund our military. Our President has said that he would like to see an entire civilian army. No Mr. President that same philosophy was dispouced by a man named Adolf Hitler, it did not work then, it will not work today. We need to maintain the greatest military in the world and it belongs to the United States of America. We must make our military strong, we must keep our weapons ready and our resolve firm. Please understand we are not in a political struggle with the middle east and especially now with Iran. We are in a Holy war, and you do not negotiate peace in a Holy war. They only want to please their gods no matter what. Please Mr. President, do not go over seas and apologize for our country, making these terrorist attacks on us. We did nothing wrong and they are the one to apologize. Please Washington get behind our troops and let them finish their job and let the United States be strong again. Joel Rosenburg in his book Inside the Revolution said, "The terrorist consider us weak when we will not fight or retaliate for something done." We are America the greatest fighting force in the world. Please Washington, keep us that way. Please Washington, do not turn your back on Israel. Do not tell them that they must except a Palestinian state and then send former President Carter to the Amas and have him emerge and declare that the Amas wants peace with Israel. I beg to differ with you,the Amas sole purpose is to destroy Israel along with other waring factions of the Muslims. I agree that Muslims are for the most part peaceful but there is a faction that wants nothing but blood and death and we must not negotiate with these but we must stand strong and stand with Israel. God has made a convenient with His people and He is not finished with them. He can win a war in 6 days or in 1 but God will deliver His people. The war of God in Ezekal 38 & 39 is fast approaching and we must stand with Israel. The only reason we have survived as long as we have is because God blesses those who bless Israel. Please Washington stand with Israel.
Alexander Scott a Scottish historian and a professor at the university of Hindenburg spoke of the fall of the Athenian republic 2000 years earlier and he said this, "A democracy is always temporary in nature. It simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidate who promises the most benefits from the public treasury. With the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to lose fiscal policy which is always fallowed by a dictatorship. The average age for the greatest civilizations since the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years those nations always progress through the following sequence. From bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from great courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back into bondage."
Professor Joel Olson from Hamlin University school of law in St. Paul Minnesota points out some interesting facts. Olson believes the United States is not somewhere in between the complacency and apathy phase of of professor Taylor's definition of democracy. With some 40% of the nations population already having reached the governmental dependency phase.
Please remember Washington, according to Romans 13 we must obey the government, but God is over the government. You are not God, but you are subject to Him and one day you will answer for your decisions. I beg you please come back to God and His word and let us all be strong as one nation under God.
A child of God
global warming,