Where in Texas should I go now?

Nov 02, 2008 21:22

Right now for some reason or another I am thinking about the cities I want to teach and of course live in after I have gotten my degree. I want to work at a school that is needy not one that is well off, or at least for now I think I do. I originally wanted to teach in Grapevine but there schools are ranked amongst Texas' best. So that had me thinking about other cities. I don't want to go back home and teach I hate it there the only thing I like about it is that my family is there. I would love to teach in Midland at Bowie where I went to school but Midland's neighbor is Odessa where my extended family lives and my mom would kill me first before I lived there. There are cities that are further south than I am currently like Houston but I really don't want to be further from my parents than I am now. (Woah did I just type that?) When I chose to come here for college the main reason was because it was far from home. I am still wanting something that's a decent distance but a little closer would be nice. Which brought me to Amarillo. Amarillo does have some needy schools but I feel as though I have lived there as long as I have lived in Pampa given its the closest town of decent size to Pampa. So let's look further south. Lubbock or Plainview, neighboring cities both have schools that qualify as needy and relatively close to home. Its too far north for me. See I really really really want to stay in the south part of Texas (south being lower than Lubbock.) On the flip side San Angelo has alot of very needy schools and I could keep working at Paul Ann but I think by that time I will want a change. But my parents don't really live close to there. I don't know....I still have a year and a half before I HAVE to make a decision but it's fun and at right now frustrating to dream about it.

future, school

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