May My Coffee be Strong & the Day be Fast.

Oct 18, 2023 03:38

Family Feud! Time for a distraction... sooooo... Just for fun...Let's play Family Feud! You CANNOT use my answer. Your answer MUST be different. Alright, let’s see who’s going to follow the directions...
1. Name something people are afraid of? Spiders.
2. Name something people are allergic to? Gluten.
3. Name something you don't do at church? Swear.
4. Name a state that begins with a vowel? Alabama.
5. Something that makes you cold? Cold weather.
6. An item found in grandma's purse? Mints.
7. Something you cook on a bbq grill? Ribs.
8. Favorite number? 7.
9. Name something you put on the wall? Clock.
10. Something you find in the car glove box? Registration.
11. Six people who you think will play?
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