(no subject)

Aug 19, 2010 15:36

But I must go on, for it is never finished. Even when I wake, I cannot tell what is real, and what I am dreaming as I move and speak and eat my dinner. I remember what cannot have happened, and forget something that is happening to me now. People look at me as though I should know them, and I do know them in the dream, and always the fire draws me nearer, though I am awake. Amalthea, The Last Unicorn

I was called into work unexpectedly today, so to anyone that has purchased things from me they will be shipped out Saturday now, or Friday if I have time =( So sorry, I wasn't supposed to work today gah.

Driving onto campus for work, and the streets are packed with arriving students, everyone is so full of energy and excited but my own heart is just aching. I feel like summer never happened, it went so quickly because I had classes, there is still so much stuff I want to make, draw and sew. School is so hard for me, I am constantly anxious and nervous around people here. I have nothing in common with them and the long hours on campus most days from 11-9pm is just so exhausting not to mention the drive to and from which takes 30 minutes. I cannot wait to be finished, I have never really been young and immature, not in the ways that they are. I just don't relate to most people and any friends I have ever truly loved have moved so far away. I'm so sorry for a sad post but I had to write it down some where. I know I will try to make the best of this year but I am in no way excited to go back. I just don't get any alone time when in school and it makes me so tired.

Sad things aside I have finally watched Gone With the Wind and I am SO excited, it is such a wonderful classic, I have been meaning to watch it for years now and I just loved Rhett Butler, he was so handsome and charming, he's on my list with Mr. Darcy now. It was wonderful to watch it with my boyfriend and to cuddle up. It certainly made me feel better. I also went to a great garage sale the other day and found the most beautiful skirts to reconstruct just wonderful floral patterns! I'm so excited. I also finally ordered The Last Unicorn from Amazon that I have been eyeing =) A few new purchases from the pokemon collectors community, still haven't gotten my giant Skitty plush but I am waiting patiently ^_^

I finished my art trade for zealey yesterday as well (finally) she just loved it so I was really excited:

Smuggpuff showing off her sandcastle building skills and Shiny baby Lapras. I twas so much fun to do this and I am learning so much about Adobe Illustrator in the process.

Hoping to finally go see Scott Pilgrim tonight, I've heard good things I just hope Micheal Cera doesn't bother me too much =P

Hope you all are having a beautiful day!


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