So I am about 27 comments away from hitting 1k with Rachel and I was going to be a good girl and wait, BUT I'M IMPATIENT SO FUCK IT.
ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, First Impressions, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. i.e. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this
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Okay, since you are asking questions back then I will start with just one and get to the others later. SO RACHEL'S THOUGHTS ON EMILY FIRST???
(i first worded that as "rachel on emily" and then thought that sounded a little smutty so i changed it)
Rachel genuinely likes Emily! She's a sweet person, fun to talk to, and she likes Rachel's singing! These are all giant pluses in her book. What I said to Maka applies here too; Rachel isn't used to people being friendly with her right away, so this is weird to her. She doesn't want to mess it up! Especially in camp, since it seems like the kind of place where the more friends you have, the better you'll be.
She's still... fairly embarrassed over what happened in the bathninja post. Emily has basically gotten farther with Rachel than anyone else has which is rather hilarious since it was a giant accident. She has also been really confused as to how she got along with Santana, but now she thinks that they two of them either have or had some sort of thing because Santana sort of outed her as a lesbian. So yes, this may come up in the future!
And hopefully once I finish all these papers (sob!) I will be able to continue the thread in which Santana is telling Emily that Rachel thinks there's something going on between them.
...and now I'm curious about what Rachel thought after she found out Emily's gay and whether that changed her thoughts on the bathninja incident at all, hahaha
so yes it does make things more embarrassing, buuut Rachel won't hold anything against Emily. Especially since she was the one who did the slipping in the first place.
If they didn't get turned into dogs, would Emily have said anything??
(im appropriately listening to "jizz in my pants" right now)
Anyway, as for your question, possibly?! I mean, it's not like she's hiding it. She just doesn't go out of her way to put it in people's faces or anything either. So if there was a place for it to come into the conversation naturally or whatever, she would have said something.
Does Kara have the slightest clue that Emily has a crush on her?
She probably has a vaaague notion because of their cake fight, but it's only a feeling so she's not sure whether to run with it or not. BUT even if she does find out definitely, it won't be that big of a deal for her? Since she has had friends who had crushes on her before, so with Emily it would be no different in her mind. SO YES EVERYTHING WILL STILL BE COOL.
Emily doesn't think of it as a very serious crush. Like, she thinks Kara is great! And she gives her all of those bubbly crushy feelings and everything when they spend time together. But. She's a superhero. And Emily's logic is that crushing on superheros is a normal thing, but also kind of a childish thing? So OBVIOUSLY it is only a bit of hero worship and immature infatuation wrapped together... Which miiiiight be a risky road to go down, since her assumptions there mean her feelings could become something more without Emily even realizing it if they spend a lot more time together |D
...oh, bother. Now I can't decide between asking your characters' thoughts on yuri and asking about Kara and Peej's relationship. You decide :(!
KARA AND PEEJ FIRST and then yuri
Kara is. VERY GLAD THAT SHE'S IN CAMP. A lot of their interactions in canon went rather badly, and Kara feels bad about that! But in camp it's like they can start all over and really get to know each other. She knows that it probably won't ever be completely comfortable between the two of them since lol alternate versions of each other. But! Kara will be happy to just consider Peej a good friend and learn more about her life and have roomie fun times.
GENERALLY all my characters are fine with it? Toshiko is confirmed as bisexual and had an alien girlfriend for one episode, although she was kinda awkward about it. Then again it's Tosh she is awkward about everything.
EVERYONE ELSE IS GOOD THOUGH. Annie and Rachel are likely to say offensive comments though since Rachel is. Rachel. And Annie just has a terrible sense of humor. Kara is kinda OH........ after the whole making out with Lorena thing.
Do your other characters like anyone? CRUSHES?
Kara thinks a few people are cute, like Kaito and Kaldur and Rico! None of those have developed further into crushes though.
Rachel is happily with Finn even if he's... not here. Sob. She does still have some feelings for Jesse BUT FINN!!!!
Annie has a crush on no one which is hilarious since she is my character who gets them the easiest. Also hilarious because two guys like her.
Is there any CR you definitely want to happen in general??
And hmmm, well, I guess I would like to toss Loa at the DC Atlanteans, because she hangs out with Namor a lot and actually knows more about Atlantean lore than Lorena does, hahaha 8D!! But yeah, I think it would be funny for her to get all "My sea king could beat up your sea king" at them.
Knowing my types, if you could top me into apping anyone ever, who would be your top three?
2. Iva from Karneval
3. Kim Daniels from Sugar Rush, which is hilariously a show that Annie's actress was in
What are some of your plans for Emily?
Oh! I do want to have her start talking to her supernaturally-inclined friends about ghosts and stuff though, to see if they think it's possible she's being pestered by one back home. Other than that though I just don't have the brain-power to think of anything at the moment.
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