What the weird? (I can't really take credit for that phrase...it rubbed off on to me from el mister Chris V(mister sir--who calls me MIEL! ;P)...about a year ago...heh...;)) Yea, I came to school at 11am,for a presentation on gorillas--it was extra credit for my Anthro Class. It was pretty interesting, actually. I've been really stressed with school, it's been paper after paper, test after test, and I wouldn't feel so darn overwhelmed at times, If I wasn't such a procrastinator. I don't want to face these next two weeks. I have tests on tuesday, a take home test due on thursday, and two papers due on Friday; an 8 page research paper due for English and a 4-5page paper due for Anthropology. Then,its finals time!! I only have so much time to study for finals because I have so much to do the week before!! So Only 2 more weeks of school left---I can't hardly wait!! I'm going to have 6 weeks off, now that may seem like a lot, but I'm going to be doing volunteer work n such....and then for sure, I will probably start looking for a job in the spring---so for sure, I can have one by the summer....or next fall.