Title: Double, Double Time-Turner Trouble
starduchessBeta: none
Cover Artist:
starduchessSummary: What happens when you mix one neurotic witch, one insatiable Slytherin, and one illicit Time-Turner? Dramione.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Draco/Hermione
Rating: R
Word Count: 2434
Warnings: secret dating, misuse of magical artifacts
Author Notes: Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe and all its lovely characters are not mine. Also, the title is a spin on a line in Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
Link to Text:
hereLength: 00:16:25
File Size: mp3 15.4 MB | m4b 16 MB
Podficcer Notes: I loved this sexy little piece. I hope I did it justice, Mykesprit! Music credit goes to Super Junior for their song "Sexy, Free & Single" which is Korean k-pop, and I thought it fit well for this story. Recorded for
hp_podfic_fest 2018.
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